AoS: Disciples of Tzeentch Rules Feed the Flames

GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest changes for the avian arcanists, the Disciples of Tzeentch.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.
The Disciples of Tzeentch have always held a sort of odd place in Age of Sigmar (fitting, if you ask me). They are technically a pair of factions, Daemons and Arcanites, and finding the balance between them has been a chore. When one becomes strong, the other is atrophied in response, and they trade places constantly. But, such is the way with the Changer of Ways, I suppose.
I had high hopes for Tzeentch in 4.0, given the game’s rumored reactionary nature. Unfortunately, history has once again repeated itself; while the Daemons are incredible now, the Arcanites, particularly the Tzaangors, have suffered a staggering blow. All that being said, there are some exciting new ways to play the feathered firebreathers!
The Good: Spellcasters
On the good side of the three-sided coin, we have the mages of Tzeentch’s army, both mortal and daemonic. I had put on my AoS Christmas list earlier this year for the mages to be good, and GW didn’t disappoint. Tzeentch magic is WILD in the new edition, and it can create some crazy stuff. Best of all, though, is how deadly they’ve made them outside of casting.
The Curseling, in particular, is an absolute MONSTER now. With five attacks and an upgraded Infusion Arcanum, he can deal some serious damage to your enemy’s frontline. Just don’t leave him too far out on his own.
The Bad: Arcanites and Tzaangors, Spawn
I swear, my beaky boys just can’t win. Either they’re too strong and dominating every meta they hit, or they’re barely worth taking. In 4.0, it is, unfortunately, the latter. The loss of mutants and shield buffs really hit us hard in that department, and there’s really not much reason to take Tzaangors over Arcanites these days.

The way Spawn work now is frustrating as well. You have to spend points from your primary list on the off chance that you actually summon something. While I understand that this is to make sure the game stays balanced, it really weakens the Disciples in the long run. Without a huge buff to make losing the models worthwhile, you can’t really afford to bring Spawn, which shuts down a lot of Tzeentch abilities.
Arcanites at least kept their ranged weapon, and it plays well into the new DoT meta. While it isn’t going to turn the tide in many fights, it can be some good softening before you unleash your Daemon hordes. After all, it activates the brand new amazing ability: Wyrdflame
The Amazing: FIRE!!!!
The Disciples of Tzeentch can now set their enemies on fire, and it has in-game effects. Frankly, I think this is long overdue, and the effects are hilarious. Not only does it do extra damage, but several units synergize with the Burning effect to get stronger attacks or reduce enemy effectiveness. Overall, Tzeentch kind of went from a spell army to a FIRE army. Even the Fyreslayers can’t put out heat like this!
How did your favorite faction do?