Atomic Mass Games: Ministravaganza 2024 – 5 Highlights From The Show

Atomic Mass Games held their Ministravaganza 2024 last weekend and there was a lot to unpack. Here’s a few key takeaways you need to know.
I hope you got a restful weekend because I did not. Why? Because I was too hyped up from the previews at Ministravaganza, that’s why! The three day show had a ton of reveals and updates. Many of those updates you can get right now. And that’s why we’re here — to let you know what are the most important ones. You can find a bunch of the coverage for the specific reveals in the links below as well. But for now, let’s hit the key takeaways from Ministravaganza 2024!
Star Wars: Legion Basically Got A 1.5 Update
If you didn’t catch the reveals this is the big one for Star Wars: Legion. Star Wars: Legion is basically getting a 1.5 update from AMG. This is a massive change that includes a new logo, visual/card format updates, and perhaps most importantly major rules updates. I can’t list them all here. But the good news is that you can download the updates for free right now. There were also a ton of rules previews and showcases during the presentation. You can watch the entire presentation below:
This should be a nice injection of freshness to the game for sure. There’s been a refocus on a few things but I think the biggest change is probably the game size has gone up to 1000 points vs 800. But that’s just the tip of the rules update iceberg! While it’s not a completely new edition, I’ve started calling it Star Wars: Legion 1.5 because that’s really what this is.
Star Wars: Shatterpoint – New Game Modes Coming Soon
Key Operations are a new thing coming to Star Wars: Shatterpoint. These are a series of linked missions that look to add narrative flair back to the game. There are currently two of them out now and available for download. There is also a third one planned and should be out soon.
Additionally, Galactic Legends is coming soon. There is a planned public beta test for this game mode slated for later this year. But it’s essentially a Shatterpoint take on the Ultimate Encounters from Marvel: Crisis Protocol. I’m looking forward to what this mode brings to the game as it sounds like AMG is planning an initial batch of missions and characters to be released. Then, they will add new missions and characters to the mix — and you’ll be able to play any character in any mission to just keep expanding this mode.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol Road Map & Reveals
There’s so much cool stuff coming to Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Please go drool over all the new minis here. I’ll try to keep this one short but I think my two favorite new reveals were Abomination and Phoenix are coming to the tabletop.
There’s also the new War of Kings Crisis Pack coming that also features Gladiator in the box.
There were a ton of teasers in the Road Map show and also during the Apocalypse showcase, too.
Bonus: Team Tactic Card Rotation
If you’re an MCP fan for competitive play you need to know about this one for sure. You can download the updated Team Tactic Cards/List from AMG as well.
Star Wars: Shatterpoint Road Map & Reveals
Again, there’s a TON of awesome minis and sculpts that were teased during the Star Wars: Shatterpoint Road Map. Once again, I won’t go over all of them but there were certainly more than a couple worth mentioning.
Krennic is coming and he’s got Deathtroopers. If you’re looking to (maybe) run a whole bunch of Deathtroopers in your squads, well, that dream may just be happening soon.
We also got a look at a couple of well known Bounty Hunters coming. You’ll be able to add them to just about any list — for the right price of course!
Star Wars: Legion Road Map & Reveals
Star Wars: Legion is going strong and AMG is fully supporting this one. With the big 1.5 update AMG is also looking to continue to fill out rosters and add new stuff to this game.
AMG is also taking the opportunity to go back and redo some of the older miniatures in hard plastic as well. With out retreading the news from above you can tell that Star Wars: Legion is going to be sticking around for a long time.
Ministravaganza 2024 was PACKED with tons of awesome reveals. Let us know in the comments your favorite ones!