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D&D: Five Magic Accessories, Perfect for Finishing that Outfit

4 Minute Read
Jul 18 2024

Sometimes you have to make sure your fit is functional, and with these magic items, you don’t have to sacrifice style for substance.

In D&D, the only points that matter are style points. Sure, you can have a “good AC” or “a lot of hit points” but if your character doesn’t look cool, is it really worth it?

The answer is no, by the way. It isn’t. But that’s okay, we’re here to help. These five magic items are the perfect accessories to complete your outfit, adding style and substance. And some magical abilities that are handy to have.

Platinum Scarf

The elegant Platinum Scarf, out of Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, is the epitome of a magical accessory. It’s extremely stylish, as the name implies, being a long scarf covered in platinum scales. But, in addition to being beautiful, it’s also functional with some powerful magical abilities. As an action, you can pull a scale from the scarf (but don’t worry about that, they’ll grow back after the next dawn), and speak a command word, unleashing a variety of effects.

You might heal someone for 10d4 damage, gain use of a +1 shield, or summon a magic light hammer that deals 2d4 radiant damage or 4d4 radiant damage to chromatic dragons. And they’re all platinum and or radiant, so they’ll go with your scarf.

Gloves of Missile Snaring

Thesee legant silk gloves are a deep, rich purple. Which makes them regal. But not only are they stylish and sleek, they make you look cool in front of your allies and/or enemies, because while wearing them, you can spend your reaction to reduce the damage of an incoming attack by 1d10 + your Dex modifier, catching the incoming arrow or crossbow bolt or whatever if you manage to reduce that incoming damage to 0.

Bracelet of Rock Magic

Then we get a powerful bracelet to accessorize with. A simple gold bracelet, the Bracelet of Rock Magic will go with just about anything. And while you have it on, not only will it complete your outfit, but it’ll grant you some extraordinary resistances and abilities as well.

While wearing it, you become immune to being petrified and can cast Flesh to Stone as an action. You can also cast stone shape as an action as well. Though be careful, for this Bracelet is Cursed, in that if you use it on a creature affiliated with stone or earth, like a Stone Giant or Dwarf for instance, they save with advantage, and if they succeed, they can petrify you.

Mantle of Spell Resistance

Mantles are an underrated item of clothing. And they are definitely worth bringing back. They aren’t as cumbersome as a cape, but they can still give you an amazing little shoulder moment. And with the Mantle of Spell resistance, it also gives you advantage on saving throws against any and all spells.

Ring of Shooting Stars

Finally, the Ring of Shooting Stars, which goes together with most other accessories with its intricate design. While wearing this ring and hanging out in dim light or darkness, you can cast dancing lights and light from the ring at will.


Or you can use your action to cast more powerful spells. Like Faerie Fire. Or you can create anywheref rom one to four 3-foot-diameter spheres of lightning that can be moved as a bonus action. Each dealing damage to creatures within 5 feet, so you can position them around the battlefield to hurt your foes.

Or you can create the ring’s signature effect: creating a spray of Shooting Stars that deals 5d4 fire damage to creatures in a 15 foot cube.

What are your favorite magic item accesories?

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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