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D&D: Five Magic Items That Will Make You Invincible

3 Minute Read
Jul 25 2024

Or if not invincible, the next best thing. These are five of the tankiest magic items in D&D.

Sometimes you just don’t want to care that you’ve taken a lot of damage. Luckily, D&D is full of magic items that make you all but invincible. Some even go so far as to protect you from all harm.

And not even in a monkey’s paw kind of way. These magic items will do an amazing job of keeping you safe when big attacks are coming your way.

Armor of Invulnerability

Let’s start with the easiest one. The Armor of Invulnerability does exactly what it says on the tin. While wearing this armor, you can just decide to be invulnerable, with a few caveats. Normally, you’re resistant to all nonmagical damage while you’re wearing the armor, which is pretty cool.

But for an action, you can make yourself outright immune to nonmagical damage for ten whole minutes. That includes attacks, sure, but also includes things like fall damage or poison or nonmagical energy damage. So you could, theoretically, stand in nonmagical lava and be totally fine. Pretty invulerable, if you ask me.

Rod of Absorption

Of course, sometimes you need to be invulnerable to magic too. And for most magic, that is to say, for spells, the Rod of Absorption has you covered. This Rod lets you cancel a spell, absorbing the energy of the spell int the rod, so you can not only counter incoming spells, but use their power to fuel your own spells without spending a spell slot.

This is an amazing item for a Gish type to have. But anyone can benefit from a Rod of Absorption as long as they’re likely to be targeted by spells.

Powered Armor

Powered Armor is a fun item to have. It too can make you invulnerable. Sort of. You can spend some of its limited power to absorb incoming damage, potentially reducing it to 0, whether it’s magic or nomagical. Of course, this only has so many charges, and only makes you invulnerable to a point. But against a lot of little attacks, this thing can all but absorb everything.

Cube of Force

Of course, for serious invulnerability, there’s the Cube of Force. This is a major magic item that means serious business. It not only can protect you, it can protect your whole party. With the Cube of Force you can keep things like “living and nonliving matter” out. You can keep spell effects or literally anything, even air out of it. So if you don’t have to worry about breathing, you can kep yourself and your party completely invulnerable.

Armor of Etherealness

And then finally there’s the Armor of Etherealness. This also makes you invulnerable in a way, because it makes you untargetable for up to ten minutes at a time. While you shift into the Ethereal Plane only something that’s on the Ethereal Plane can actually effect you. And there are precious few things even capable of seeing you there, let alone following you.


How do you like to make your character invulnerable?

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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