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D&D: ‘Quests From the Infinite Staircase’ – Available Now

3 Minute Read
Jul 16 2024

Quests from the Infinite Staircase released today out in game stores and on D&D Beyond. Classic adventures await!

Release day is here for Quests from the Infinite Staircase, the last official book for 5th Edition. After this, the new Player’s Handbook comes out, updating the rules and changing a lot of fundamental things about how the game is played so much so that many in the community have taken to either calling it 5.5E or 5.24, reflecting WotC’s desire to not move away from the absolute golden goose of a brand that is 5E.

But, nomenclature aside, this is the last book published with the old Player’s Handbook in mind. And it already bears the seeds of change. Actually, most books from the last year or so have. Monsters have been steadily getting more different, starting with Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse, and continuing on through to now.

The 2025 Monster Manual, when it eventually releases, will likely share much of the same design philosophy, so you can see how they keep the old adventures backwards compatible. It seems that it is also forwards compatible.

Quests From the Infinite Staircase – Out Now

Quests from the Infinite Staircase is an anthology series of adventures. All are tied together around a single multiversal hub that acts as a linking point for these otherwise disparate adventures. All told, you get six adventures that are a blast from D&D’s past.

You’ll get The Lost City, which is an adventure about exploring an ancient civilization that was thought lost but is just hanging out in their massive ziggurat instead. Factions. Deities. And a guy named Zargon. It doesn’t get more classic D&D than that.

There’s also When a Star Falls, one of TSR UK’s adventures. In this adventure, your party is given visions of a falling star and desperate sages hoping to take the easy way out of seeing what comes from the future. Notable for its plot, writing, and including cool svirfneblin tanks.

In Beyond the Crystal Cave, you have a perfect example of how every DM should steal from their favorite stories at least once. Inspired by Romeo and Juliet, this adventure has all the hallmarks of good drama and roleplay while also having some dungeon delving.

Pharaoh is the D&D adventure responsible for Dragonlance, ultimately. This adventure got Tracy and Laura Hickman hired at TSR and is a prime example of how both dungeon and narrative design can influence each other.

The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is a more traditional D&D adventure devised by Gary Gygax himself for use in tournament play. It comes with its own tournament scorecard handout. You can start your very own speedruns and see how high a score you can get.


Finally, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, aka D&D, in a crashed spaceship. This adventure is infamous. And with good reason. It’s a ton of fun with robots, lasers, and of course, a monstrous Froghemoth at the heart of it all.

All of this awaits you in Quests from the Infinite Staircase. Now available wherever you get your D&D stuff.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
  • D&D: 'Quests from the Infinite Staircase' Shows Off Rare 'TSR UK' Adventures