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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Feather Cloak

3 Minute Read
Jul 23 2024

Games Workshop is stepping up the Rumor Engine fashion game with a new preview image. Who’s going to be wearing this stylish feather cloak?

We are back with another Tuesday and today we have a Rumor Engine that is a great fashion accessory. It’s versatile and popular across 40k, AoS, and beyond. But see it for yourself before you rush to judgement.

via Warhammer Community

“These Rumour Engine images have been far too clear and detailed lately, some of you are actually getting close to guessing answers, and that would ruin this whole ‘mysterious yet useless’ thing we’ve got going on. We need something vague, something that could be from Warhammer 40,000, or Warhammer Age of Sigmar, or even Blood Bowl. “

Rumor Engine – Feather Cloak

I guess GW is really pushing that whole “mysterious yet useless” thing because this one really is a good example. Personally, I don’t know if this one could work in Blood Bowl, but I see their point. As far as the Grimdark or the Mortal Realms, yeah, I could see this fitting in either setting. My gut reaction was that this looks like something from a Chaos Warrior. But that’s mainly because I’m used to seeing their cloaks with fur on the top.

Their more recent designs have changed them up as well — now it’s not just the old school fur. There’s also a few with scales on the back, too. I was also thinking that maybe this could be a tease for some more Stormcast Eternals coming soon. But they are also more into fur than feathers on their cloaks.


I still don’t want to rule them out. But there’s loads of places were GW could fit this cloak with feathers in the Mortal Realms…that’s the problem.

On the 40k side of things there’s also loads of options as well. The Imperial Agents were just announced. If Coteaz hadn’t been revealed I would have guessed this could be the cloak of a new Inquisitor.

Anyone else think something is off with Coteaz? Hmm.

Anyhow, there’s loads of folks running around in 40k with cloaks beyond Inquisitors. However, it’s the feathers that really throwing me off. I also don’t want to rule out 40k Chaos Space Marines either. At least we can rule out the Tyranids. I also don’t think Necrons would wear something like this. What about the Aeldari? Eh…we haven’t heard anything from them in while.


The Ynnari like feathers…

Alright folks, this is where you come in. If you’ve got an idea of what this one could be then let us know. Drop us a line in the comments with your theories. Maybe in 9-12 months we’ll find out!


I still don’t think it’s from Blood Bowl but I’d be okay being wrong!

Author: Adam Harrison
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