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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Going Digital

3 Minute Read
Jul 16 2024

It looks like Games Workshop’s new Rumor Engine is all about going digital. Is this one fancy 3D printer or something else entirely?

Welcome to another Tuesday and you know what that means: GW Rumor Engine time! Today’s image is very likely from the Warhammer 40,000 side of the house. But you should take a look for yourself before we start speculating.

via Warhammer Community

“We’ve been having quite a few analogue things coming out of the Rumour Engine lately – all wood, metal, and animal bits – so it’s high time we got something a bit more high-tech. Yes, we know that any technology coming out of the 41st Millennium is pretty likely to have skulls on it anyway, but you never know until we hit that big red button.”

Rumor Engine Going Digital

So what are we looking at here? Well the rest of the text says this is a hologram and wonders what it could be projecting. I do wonder that as well. I’m sure everyone remembers the Holotable that was projecting the GW facilities, right?

The buildings were modeled after Warhammer World. It was nice little Easter Egg the sculptors had added. Now, I don’t know if GW is teasing the same thing again but I wouldn’t put it past them. That said, what are we looking at anyhow? I don’t know about you but this is reminding me of a particular terrain set.


The Fortress of Redemption was a kit from a long time ago. It’s from the era of Planetstrike games and Planetary Onslaught campaigns. I always thought it was a cool looking kit. However, it was so dominate on the tabletop it was hard to actually play with it. Hopefully you had some weapons in your army that could demolish some terrain.

Now, I’m not 100% sure this is the image that’s being broadcast on the hologram. However, now I can’t unsee it. So I need your help to figure out if this could be something else. If you’ve got a theory of what it could be let us know in the comments.

We still didn’t tackle the question of what the rest of the model could be either. What sort of contraption is projecting this hologram? What faction could it be from? Personally, I think it’s Imperial or Imperial-adjacent. But really it could be a LOT of factions in 40k. The mystery continues…



I hope it’s another GSC miniature. Then they can continue to be the masters of the hologram!

Author: Adam Harrison
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