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Games Workshop Rumor Engines: Where Are They Now – July 2023 Edition

3 Minute Read
Jul 19 2024

It’s a year since these Rumor Engines from Games Workshop arrived. Let’s check on these images from July of 2023 to see how they turned out.

I still can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since we last saw these Rumor Engines. But hey, that’s the way time works. It’s ever moving forward march crushes all before it. Time is unstoppable. Ah, such fun thoughts about time and mortality. WHELP, on to the Rumor Engines before we spiral into an existential crisis!

July 4, 2023 – Spikey Situation

Status: Solved

That painful looking spike in the arm was from the Gorger Mawpack that came to Warcry. I do hope that the Gorger got some medical attention before that gets infected.

July 11, 2023 – Vampire’s Kiss


Status: Solved

This creepy effigy turned out to be for the Flesh-Eater Courts. The Abhorrant Cardinal holds this strange staff!

July 18, 2023 – Ancient Ruins


Status: Solved

Trugg couldn’t stay undiscovered for too long! That’s a massive structure on his back. Also, if you want to see Ben tackling his paint job he’s got a tutorial right here!

July 25, 2023 – They Put A Bird On It

Status: Solved


Turns out that wasn’t a bird’s claw. It was that super creepy Abhorrant Cardinal doing some modeling work. It’s still creepy and unsettling no matter how you slice it.

Well that’s all the Rumor Engines from July of 2023. No mysteries left unsolved here. Just the big questions about time, mortality, and the slow spiral towards the future. Good Times. So be sure to let us know in the comments which of these three miniature reveals were your favorite. And sure, you can even choose the super creepy Abhorrant Cardinal. I’m gonna choose Trugg so that maybe the next time I face off against him he won’t smash me as hard.


Trugg, the Cardinal, or the Gorger? Which was your favorite Rumor Engine tease from July 2023?

Author: Adam Harrison
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