Kobold Press’ ‘Book of Ebon Tides’ Brings the Shadow Realm to D&D Beyond

Kobold Press’ campaign setting book, the Book of Ebon Tides launched on D&D Beyond this week, with new species, subclasses, and more.
Kobold Press launched the Book of Ebon Tides on D&D Beyond this week. This brings Kobold’s Shadow Realm to D&D, or at least to the would-be one-stop web shop (WotC hopes) for all things D&D, which is ultimately a lot more exposure for folks who are unfamiliar with Kobold’s work.
For instance, you might not have known that the Book of Ebon Tides is about the Shadow Realm, a dark parallel to the Material Plane. In addition to being the place that Yu-Gi-Oh sends people when they lose a game of Duel Masters against him, it’s also a fully fleshed-out plane of darkness.
But, pointedly, it’s not the Shadowfell. It is more like “the dark Feywild,” which, odds are, has you salivating already. I dunno why Dark Fae have been enjoying a resurgence not seen since theater kids discovered Renaissance Festivals back in 2006 (well, that’s not true, but I dunno if I can link to A Court of Thorns and Roses and not upset our advertisers).
Being the dark fey realm, the Shadow Realm is full of illusions, trickery, and, yes, a lot of undead stuff. But there are plenty of new options, including Bearfolk.
So, let’s check it out.
Book of Ebon Tides Launches on D&D Beyond

The Book of Ebon Tides is a complete setting guide to the Shadow Realm, a dark world parallel to the Material Plane. Discover the sights and sounds of this darkened realm, introduce 25 playable species options, 10 new subclasses, and a trove of darkly fantastic weapons, artifacts, and tomes to flavor your journey through shadow.
The Plane of Shadow exists beside the mortal world, a twisted reflection of the Material Plane where fey magic, illusion, and trickery are as potent as steel. Heroes can enter this otherworldly realm of fey shadows, undead horrors, and wild adventure—but can they survive?
As mentioned, there are twenty-five new playable species options. There are Bearfolk, Darakhul (which are like ghouls), Shadow Fey, Lunar Elves, Sable Elves, Shadow Goblins, Umbral Humans, Ravenfolk, Ratatosks, and more. If you’ve been feeling underwhelmed by 5E player options, Book of Ebon Tides has some amazing choices.

There’s also plenty of new subclasses as well:
- Barbarians get to be Shadow Gnawers
- Druids get the Circle of Shadows
- Bards have the College of Shadow
- Clerics get the Shadow Domain (sensing a theme yet?) as well as the Keeper Domain
- Sorcerers get the Light Weaver Origin
- Warlocks have a Mother of Sorrows patron, which is all about poison
- Rogues can be Umbral Binders
- Wizards get the Shadow Arcane Tradition
- Monks have the Way of the Prophet
All of this, plus new spells, magic items, and more, in the Book of Ebon Tides.