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Let’s Play D&D With X-23

3 Minute Read
Jul 29 2024

We’re all going to say “snikt snikt!” around the table until the DM hates us because this week we’re playing D&D with X-23.

While some other comic book movies and shows have been a little underwhelming, Deadpool and Wolverine has been doing numbers. And that’s not surprising, the Deadpool movies have been great, the casting is perfect, and c’mon, bringing Wolverine into it? The buzz on this one has been non-stop, so even if you’re usually an “I’ll wait for streaming” kind of person, Deadpool and Wolverine might just be drawing you back into the theater. So let’s get drawn in and play D&D with one of our favorite mutants.


This sheet felt like it was going to be almost laughably easy. I made a Wolverine sheet a few weeks ago, and X-23 is literally a clone, so let’s just cross out the name and slap it up there. Really though, that’s lazy and not what I went with. But it did give me something to defer to and opened up a couple of pretty fun doors!

To start, I made X-23 a Dwarf like I did Wolverine. It’s not what I would have picked for her in a vacuum, but with the other sheet made recently? Having them have the same base just makes sense.

I also have her a few levels in Barbarian, same as Wolverine- and we’ll come back around to that in a bit.

But while I made Wolverine primarily a Fighter, I went with Rogue-Assassin for X-23. Her style is a little more sneaky, and she was literally an assassin for a bit. It’s a little on the nose, but it’s a good fit.


Barbarian, just l like Wolverine, comes from the periodic rages she goes into. But this is also where the Dwarf pick started to pan out and got a little fun. I had to pick a Barbarian Path, and while Beserker is a classic and often fits, I opted for Battlerager. Battlerager specifically is only available to Dwarves, and let’s you use a special spiked battle armor that also does some damage. X-23 has fewer hand-claws than Wolverine, but she does have some foot-claws. Originally I was thinking that this could be made with some weapons- maybe get another sharp melee weapon and call it a boot knife or something. But I love the idea of the battle armor filling this role instead.

I gave X-23 many of the same feats in Tough and Durable to mimic a little of that healing ability. Which makes her a little tougher and a little faster to get back hit points. But without magic there’s only so much quick healing these characters can do themselves. And let’s be honest, these were never going to be magic wielding characters.

How would you makeĀ  X-23 for D&D? Have you seen Deadpool and Wolverine yet and if you have, what did you think? What movie, show, comic, game, or book should we make sheets from next time? Let us know in the comments!

Happy adventuring!


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