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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – MORE Characters From Team Tactic Cards That Have Been Teased

3 Minute Read
Jul 26 2024

Atomic Mass Games keeps on hiding characters in the Team Tactics Cards for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Bring them to the tabletop!

After the Ministravaganza reveals from the Road Map I got even more excited about Marvel: Crisis Protocol. AMG is giving me (in particular) characters I want. I know they aren’t reading my wish lists and saying “well, Okay — Adam wanted that character so let’s make it happen.” I don’t have that kind of power! So either I’m on the same wavelength or we just have similar tastes in characters.

That said, I did this earlier this month and looked at my ever growing Team Tactic Card collection and found a handful of characters hiding there. Hopefully these characters will get to make the jump from the cards to the tabletop!

“Bucky” Barnes

If we can get the Howling Commandos, and we can get the 1940’s Cap, then we need a 1940’s “Bucky” miniature, too. And sure, we already have Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes in the game. But that’s one of the fun things about the MCP: they can play around with alternate time versions of these characters. I think a Bucky would be a great Threat 2 character addition to the Invaders/S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation.


It wouldn’t be an MCP wishlist post from me if I couldn’t sneak in an X-Men character. I’ve been rooting for a version of Forge to show up in MCP for a while and I’m going to keep pulling for him. He’s been on a couple of Team Tactic Cards already so this is just another example. Whatever version AMG makes for Forge, he should have that metal leg and a really big gun!

Monica Rambeau

I’m not going to lie, it took me a minute to figure out who this character was from the art. But then as soon as I found out it was Captain Marvel/Photon/Spectrum/Pulsar it hit me like a ton of bricks. Duh, it’s Monica Rambeau! I felt pretty dumb once I released but that’s partly because she’s had quite a few costumes over the years. I’m more familiar with her MCU look but now that I see this trench coat version, I could get on board with it. She’s had an interesting history over the years as well and has even been known under different monikers. That said, I definitely think there’s a version out there that could fit in MCP just fine!


Daughters of the Dragon – Colleen Wing and Misty Knight

The duo of Colleen Wing and Misty Knight have had their fair share of adventures. If you’re a fan of 1970’s Kung-Fu movies then you need to check out these characters. Their early runs really did have them relegated to background characters in Iron Fist but since then they’ve really become a lot more interesting. They are involved with the Heroes For Hire and have popped-up sporadically over the years. Just like how I’d like to see some street level threats, I think having some street level heroes is good, too. Slot them in with the Defenders/Midnight Sons and you’re good to go!


There’s plenty more character hidden in the Team Tactics cards. Who do you want to see show up on the tabletop?


Author: Adam Harrison
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