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Necromunda: Hive Secundus Miniatures Prove This Is A Dungeon Crawl

5 Minute Read
Jul 18 2024

Games Workshop has dropped pictures of the miniatures from Necromunda: Hive Secundus and more evidence this is a giant dungeon crawl.

I’m excited about Necromunda: Hive Secundus. The lore is interesting and some implications. The miniatures are cool (which we’re going to check out below). And it’s also just more evidence that Necromunda needs a freakin’ RPG supplement for the Wrath & Glory system already. But first let’s check out those new miniatures, shall we?

Necromunda Hive Secundus Miniatures

Now, we’ve seen glimpses of these miniatures before. Now we’re getting a better look at the lot. I want to start with the Spyrers as they are an update to the classic Necromunda hunters of old.

The Spyrers

Here we have the four classic Spyrers remade for the new edition. And in case you aren’t familiar with them, here’s a look at their first incarnation.

I have …memories of facing off against these guys. They had a reputation for a few reasons that GW outlined. I won’t go over all that as I would rather focus on the miniatures. But I will say that I’m glad GW has (apparently) toned them down a bit.

The miniatures (referring to the new ones) are fantastic. I like a lot of the redesign and the push to make them more “alien” than Imperial looking.


“We stepped away from anything that could look Imperial in terms of shape. Imperial shapes are rigid: simple curves and straight lines. We left that gothic hardness behind and used a lot of fluidity and contoured curves to break the rules.

You can really tell that the Spyrers in the suits have been augmented to fit in them now. These nobles have be scarred and modified to “prove” themselves worthy. I don’t feel pity for them though.

The Malstrain Genestealers

Up next we have the twisted and warped strain of Genestealers and their “Brothers” to show off. The Malstrain Genestealers are a sight for sure.


I know that in the lore the Malstrain aren’t as powerful as a Purestrain Genestealer. But they have upped the “nightmare fuel” intake on these guys. I’d hate to meet them in a dark alley much less in the catwalks and industrial ruins of Hive Secundus. Just knowing that these are what’s lurking in the shadows is disconcerting. If you’re gangers are going down into the Underhells be ready to deal with them!

And they aren’t alone. Before you go clearing out their nests be ready for their kin. The Brood Scum are another great addition to the range.

GW talks about them as well and I think they offer the most potential for gang-wide conversion. For now, we only get five Brood Scum heads per sprue of Malstrains. But these are your typical sized heads which makes them perfect for conversions. In the article, GW specifically calls out the Hive Scum as the ideal head swap candidates but also nods to the Orlock bodies. But personally, I think they’d blend in better with some Delaque gangers…

The Van Saar Tek-Hunters

Finally, we have a look at the new Van Saar Tek Hunters. I’m not going pretend that the Van Saar don’t have some of the coolest designs in all of Necromunda. Their high-tech body suits have always been the main draw. And now we get some sweet looking Tek-Hunters to add to the ranks!


I am curious about the other options with these miniatures. I’m sure they will look just as good on the tabletop as the rest of the Van Saar range.

Necromunda Dungeon Crawl

Now, aside from them looking awesome, here’s where things get even more interesting for me. GW talks about their design in this article and drops a tidbit that is even more evidence for Hive Secundus being a massive dungeon crawl adventure waiting to be made. Let me just get my conspiracy hat on really quick…

“We wanted to create a completely new kit for the Van Saar to explore Hive Secundus, and the goal was to make them look like a bunch of heroes about to enter a dungeon. There are two builds for each one – there’s a standard ganger and a specialised Tek-hunter with top-tier gear. So you get a medic, a gunner, a sniper, and a comms guy – and they all look the part. When it came to weapons, we had pretty clear ideas even at the concept stage for how these would be evolved from regular equipment. “

Yep! You read it, folks: “the goal was to make them look like a bunch of heroes about to enter a dungeon.”  Half-Life 3 Confirmed! See, they knew exactly what they were doing. The campaign is a spin on a Dungeon Crawl but with Necromunda gameplay as it’s core. Which, yeah, that checks out. But as a setting this screams RPG supplement.

Make it happen GW. You know you want to!



But seriously, what do you think of the new miniatures for Necromunda: Hive Secundus? Are you as excited about them as I am?

Author: Adam Harrison
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