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Necromunda: Hive Secundus Miniatures Up Close

4 Minute Read
Jul 20 2024

Necromunda: Hive Secundus is in the studio and it’s jam-packed with awesome miniatures! Join us for a closer look.

Exploring the depths of the Underhells of Hive Secundus is going to be a tense affair. If you’re lucky there’s just a Malstrain Cultist lurking around and not something much, much worse. While the Van Saar and the Spyrers arrive in the box with some cool miniatures it’s really the Malstrain options that are the stars. It’s a classic dungeon crawl with a Necromunda twist. So let’s check these minis out!

Necromunda Hive Secundus Miniatures

Van Saar Tek-Hunters

In the box you’ll get eight total Van Saar Tek Hunters. They have a ton of various options to work with. You can build the different specialists and a few more “generic” Van Saar gangers if you want. It really depends on the flavor of specialists you want to take with you.

While I didn’t get to build these, I do know they are based (mostly) on the previous kit of Van Saar miniatures. You can mix and match a lot of the bits, particularly the heads of these models. Without a whole lot of hobby work you can even customize them further. Weapon and gear swaps shouldn’t be that hard with this very versatile kit. That’s actually one of the really great features of the entire Necromunda range. There’s loads of customization across all the various upgrades and packs that have been added. These Van Saar Tek Hunters fit perfectly in with that range.


Spyrer Orrus

In the box you’ll actually get two Spyrer Orrus miniatures to build. There’s a couple different poses you can work with as well as various head options. Again, with minimal hobby work I’m confident you could further customize the poses. I even think you can swap the heads around with the Van Saar members if you are looking for a specific look.

Personally, I’m looking forward to when we get a boxed set with all four of the Spyrers. I’m not sure when that’s going to show up but you know it’s coming!

Malstrain Genestealers & Cultists



First up, the Cultists are based off the Hive Scum set. They are basically the same minis but with various head swaps. You get a few extra heads but you get a total of eight bodies to build for the Cultists. Again, these minis are designed to be mixed in with existing gangs. GW said they work particularly well with the Orlocks for body/head swaps. And if you want to take your Malstrain Gangers out of Hive Secundus there are rules to do that — just no Genestealers.


Now, as far as the Malstrain Genestealers, they are really interesting to me. As a Tyranid player myself I was really excited about the Malstrain Genestealer options. I love how they are certainly Genestealers but have some …oddities now. Their already alien bodies are even more twisted and, well, alien. At the same time those EYES add a new level of freaky to them. They are large and bulbous. They look like anime or frog eyes and it’s just disconcerting. I also don’t know what’s going on with their backs and the strange spike growths. That’s the Malstrain for ya!

If you want to get your hands on these miniature your first option is the new Necromunda: Hive Secundus box. It’s up for Pre-Order this weekend. Eventually, we should see these options arrive as solo boxed sets at a later date.


Which minis are your favorite from the new Hive Secundus box?

Author: Adam Harrison
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