Pre-Order ‘The Mandalorian: Adventures’ And Replay Iconic Moments From Season 1

The Mandalorian: Adventures lets you relive your favorite moments from Season 1 of the hit series as one of eight separate characters.
The Mandalorian was groundbreaking when it initially dropped into our laps. It has the setting of other Star Wars films and series, but with a tone that really highlights the potential of the Star Wars universe.
Soon, you will be able to take your own shot at being the intrepid bounty hunter or one of several other characters as you play through the first season of the hit series.
The Mandalorian: Adventures is an upcoming tabletop game from Unexpected Games. Players will work together as one of eight unique characters from the series. Each character has their own deck of cards with their own set of tactics and strategies. Players will fight enemies and solve dilemmas in order to complete their objectives.
The Mandalorian: Adventures uses a map book for each of the mission maps. It’s a style of component management that makes setup and teardown dead simple. If you assume games with a map book must be just for kids, just remember that Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion also uses a map book.
Players can expect a full campaign to play through, with each mission getting more complex as they get deeper into the story, some even featuring a hidden traitor mechanic. Additionally, each mission could add new rules, components, and whole new mission types as well.
Even if you know the story from seeing the series, The Mandalorian: Adventures is a game that will keep you wanting to play more, just to see what’s next.
Pre-Order The Mandalorian: Adventures
The Mandalorian: Adventures is currently expected to be released on August 2, 2024. You can pre-order the game right now!
When offered a lucrative job, a lone bounty hunter begins a journey that will put his skills to the test and redefine his world.
The Mandalorian: Adventures allows players to experience a new part of the Star Wars universe on their tabletops. Navigating unique maps and missions, players must co-operate to accomplish their goals and avoid defeat. Play as one of eight unique characters, each with their own deck of cards and strategies that will help you fight enemies and solve dilemmas to complete mission objectives. All of the action takes place in an illustrated map book as players recreate iconic moments from season 1 of the hit Disney+ series. With an intuitive system that’s easy to teach, the game grows with new rules, components, and mission types added over time – some even featuring a hidden traitor mechanism…