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Star Wars: Legion – Ministravaganza 2024 Brings New Updates To The Game

7 Minute Read
Jul 18 2024

Star Wars: Legion is 6 years old and Atomic Mass Games has refreshed the game. And you can try it out for yourself right now!

First up, all of these cards are up for download RIGHT NOW. There’s some big changes that were mentioned but you really want to read the full rules on the Atomic Mass Games website. That said, here’s a ton of pictures from the presentation.

Mission Dashboard

There’s a new mission dashboard that has been updated. And if you notice the round counter is now down to 5 instead of 6. Additionally, there’s 12 vps up for grabs. The game ends if a player has 12 VPs and they have more VPs than their opponent.

Next, there are new Advantage cards. You can see a couple of the examples below.




Secondary Objectives have also been added and these help keep players engaged and in the game. With more chances to score you’re never really out of it.



The Primary Objective have changed with new missions and deployments as well. I believe there are 12 in total but AMG was previewing six.

Deployment is a rather large change now as well. The red and blue areas are now “territories” instead of your deployment. Units will enter the game from the board edge now.




Core Rules Updates

  • 800 point level limit increased to 1000 points
  • Unit sizes can be roughly “doubled”
  • Cover change from a static system to a roll system using the white dice

These are just a few things that were called out specifically. If you want to see the full rules you can check them out here.

Unit Card Refreshes

There are a ton of these but the key things to note are that things are more streamlined. The text has just keywords now — the rules have the full rule as a reference. Also the new art and it’s shown off in full on the back, too. Personally, I like these changes. They also updated the Upgrade cards to match the same size, too. So let’s get into the cards!

Rebel Card Updates

Rebel Troopers


Luke Skywalker, Hero of the Rebellion

Leia Organa, Fearless and Inventive

Rebel Commander, Resolute Commander

R2-D2, Hero of a Thousand Devices


Fleet Troopers

Rebel Veterans

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team

Rebel Commandos

The Detachment rule means that you need to take a squad to take a “strike team” of them.


X-34 Landspeeder

A-A5 Speeder Truck

Transport has changed a lot. It’s just a once per game thing now.

Galactic Empire

General Veers, Master Tactician

Imperial Officer, Ruthless Commander

Director Orson Krennic, Architect of Terror


Stormtroopers, Heavy Response Unit




E-Web Heavy Blaster Team

Imperial Dark Troopers

TX-225 GAVw Occupier Tank


Major Marquand, Tempest Scout 2

LAAT/le Patrol Transport

Galactic Republic

Padme Amidala, Spirited Senator

Anakin Skywalker, The Chosen One

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Civilized Warrior

Clone Trooper Infantry

It’s worth noting that the Clone Troopers have a TON of upgrade options to fill basically any role you need in a Galactic Republic Army…note the upgrade bar.


ARC Troopers


Saber-Class Tank

Separatist Alliance

T-Series Tactical Droid, Programmed for Strategy

Super Tactical Droid, Commanding Controller

Super Tactical Droid, Kraken

Super Tactical Droid, Kalani

Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus

General Grievous, Sinister Cyborg


B1 Battle Droids

B2 Super Battle Droids

BX-Series Droid Commandos

AAT Battle Tank

Persuader-Class Tank Droid

Upgrade Card Impact Grenades

Grenades have been changed and now one trooper can commit the attack — and in this case it’s both ranged and melee.

Again, there’s a lot of changes to Star Wars: Legion with this “refresh” to the game. Honestly, it kinda needed it. After being out for six years the game was feeling a little stale beyond just needing more units added. This refresh really is more like a Star Wars: Legion 1.5. Between the Core Rules changes, the points increase, and the new deployment it really feels like a new game. But all of your current “stuff” is still viable.


So get out there and play because it’s Star Wars: Legion 1.5 time!

Author: Adam Harrison
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