Star Wars: Legion – Ministravaganza 2024 Road Map Reveals

Atomic Mass Games has just completed their Star Wars: Legion Road Map show and we’ve got the reveals right here!
Day Two of the Atomic Mass Games Ministravaganza 2024 has kicked off! First up, we’ve got a look at all the new Star Wars: Legion goodies coming. That said, if you want start playing there’s a bunch of free rules to download right now for free on their website! So get that going after you check out these sweet, sweet previews.
Star Wars: Legion Road Map
One note: this is not everything for Star Wars: Legion coming. There might be a few surprises not listed on the Road Map, too.
Unit Rules Reveals
Rebel Sleeper Cell
All the heads are swappable which is a nice touch. Also, the cards are from the old style graphic designs. The rules were designed under the new updates and will have a graphic update in a future card pack.
Riot Control Squad
It’s worth noting that this squad doesn’t have the option to add more units up to 10.
LM-432 Crab Droids
Remember with the new updates that vehicles can score now so these two droids can be really useful for the Separatists. This unit also has has the new graphic design, too. Note the SKU at the bottom right — SWQ means it’s a new, multi-language pack.
Painted Unit Reveals
Aqua Droids
AMG keeps talking about how big these guys are. I’m looking forward to see them on the table. They vehicles and are also in the Heavy Slot, too.
ARF Troopers
This is the first unit with a “generic” Jedi. That Jedi also has quite a few different lightsaber options you can customize. It should be a fun build. The ARF Troopers themselves are certainly more of the medium-long range option. They kind of fill the opposite role of the ARC Troopers in that way.
This is a brand new unit update for the Stormtroopers. There are 11 miniatures in there and they are redesigned in hard plastic now as well.
Rebel Troopers
The Rebel Troopers are back and have a LOT of head swap options. Also this new update comes in hard plastic, too. And, again, they have the full 11 miniatures in the unit so you can run them as the upgraded size.
Scout Troopers
The Scout Troopers are also back with an updated unit in hard plastic.
Rebel Commandos
The Rebel Commandos are coming back in hard plastic, too. Fun fact: these heads are swappable with the Rebel Troopers above.
Heroes of the Rebellion
The Heroes of the Rebellion are coming back in hard plastics. And also Commander Luke Skywalker is getting new look to match the art from yesterday.
Darth Vader & General Veers
I really like this look for Darth Vader. He’s got that “I’m going to have to get in there and do it myself” thing going on. And General Veers is commanding his troopers where to strike.
Unpainted Unit Reveals
Clone Trooper Infantry
There’s no difference between Phase One and Phase Two Troopers in the game update. The good news is that the kits will have enough heads for both options for the head swaps. There’s also non-helmeted options. So you can theme your troopers (Phase One or Two — or no helmet) however you want! The squad will also have a full 11 in the box, too.
Commander & Padawan Ahsoka Tano
Clone Trooper Marksmen
Again, same deal with the Clone Trooper head options — you’ll have lots of them.
Imperial Probe Droids
Imperial High Command
Yep, that’s a Thrawn, a Krennic, a Tarkin, a Tagge (I think?). Anyhow, the Imperial High Command is coming in hard plastic!
Art Pieces
These are cool pieces of art that AMG showed off and also are teasers for future units.
This one is mostly just a cool group/art shot of a battle.
Commander Ahsoka leading the charge!
Atomic Mass Games also mentioned that riding units are coming to the game. These are still in development but they on the way!
There’s loads of great stuff coming to Star Wars: Legion in the 12 months ahead!