Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Hands On With The New ‘Rebels’

The new Star Wars: Shatterpoint “Rebels” boxes are out now. We’ve got our hands on them so let’s take a look inside the boxes!
If you were a fan of the Star Wars: Rebels show (and basically the story of the Ghost crew over the years) we’ve got some great news. Their two Squad Packs are out and available in stores right now! We got our hands on them from AMG and we’re diving into the boxes to find out what’s inside.
Make the Impossible Possible Squad Pack
First up, we’ve got the Make The Impossible Possible Squad Pack. This one features Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, and the astromech droid C1-10P, aka “Chopper” in the box.
The contents are exactly what you’d expect inside. This is one of the multi-lingual sets so it’s got multiple sets of cards in the various supported languages. If you want a closer look at the rules on the cards, we already did a deep dive on those previously.
All in, you get all the cards (duh) and the miniature all come on a single sprue. Additionally, there’s a set of four bases you can use. These are the standard bases we’ve seen in other Star Wars: Shatterpoint packs so you’ll have an extra.
You don’t have to be a diehard Rebels fan to find a use for this pack. Personally, I think Sabine Wren could find some double use when the Mandalorian Squad Packs come out. Again, the box is already out so if you want to order it now you can.
Stronger Than Fear Squad Pack
Next we have the Stronger Than Fear Squad Pack. This one features Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios.
And this shouldn’t be a shock at this point as to what’s inside the box. You’ve got all the cards in the supported languages, four bases, and the three minis on the sprue.
We’ve tackled the rules for these cards before as well. So check that out for a more detailed look at the rules. Personally, I want to see Kanan Jarrus in a Scoundrel list. While he clearly works best with the Rebel Alliance (and specifically Spectre units) those keywords open up some other options. Shoot, even Ezra has Scoundrel as well. Just pointing out that it could work.
This box is also out now so you can pick it up in stores or order it online.
Star Wars: Rebels In Shatterpoint
It’s pretty clear that these two Squad Packs are designed to work together. While you can make a case to use them in other lists, there’s no denying the synergy of running them together. With them all having Rebel Alliance and Spectre as keywords they will really feed into each other’s abilities.
I really do think if you were going to get one of the packs then you really should just get both. Even if you don’t run them both, being able to swap out crew members is what makes them work so well together. And if were looking to dive into Shatterpoint this is a list that basically writes itself! So go out there and get the crew of the Ghost together. Become stronger than fear and make the impossible possible!
What a great family photo!