Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Key Operations & New Game Modes

Star Wars: Shatterpoint is getting some new game modes. Key Operations introduces a new way to play and something else is on the horizon.
Atomic Mass Games has been baking some goodies in the oven for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. First up, we have the new Key Operations. This mode brings a bit more of a narrative flair to the game. One player takes on the role of the Aggressor while the other plays as the Sentinel. Each has their own objectives to complete. Not only does this add a neat asymmetrical element to the game but we’re also going to be able to play out scenarios very close to things you’ve seen on the screen in Star Wars.
Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Key Operations
With this preview, AMG showed off two different missions as well as some of the extras. You can check them out below. Additionally, the full rules are out right now for download — so you can try them out for yourself.
First up, we have Trigger A Chain Reaction
This mission plays out in a couple of stages. During the first stage, the Aggressor has to infiltrate the compound while the Sentinel is having to keep them at bay. The Aggressor also needs to expose the core for the system they are attempting to destroy.
That’s kind of where the narrative kicks in and takes over. Maybe it’s a new prototype star ship they are trying to destroy. Maybe it’s a power plant. Maybe it’s another target — you get the idea.
Once the area has been breached (or rather “if” ). That will trigger the Stage II encounter. This is where the Aggressor has to actually start the chain reaction. What’s cool is there’s a slight mini-game for breaching the core’s shield and hacking the core. It revolves around the dice and matching the symbols.
The second Key Operation is called Extract The Agent. This could be a Rebel leader that needs an escort. Or it could be an Imperial Officer that is attempting to get away. Or…well, we’ve had LOADS of examples in Star Wars. What’s fun is this one also come with a token for the Agent. However, it’s the same size as a standard character’s base so you could just use any other character in your collection.
In the first Stage, you’ve got to release the clamps/disable the tractor cannon/fidget with the widget. If the Aggressor can pull that off then you get to move to Stage II.
In this scenario the Aggressors have to get on a shuttle. This leads to some interesting stuff happening. Ideally, all the characters need to get onboard to get away — but just because they are on doesn’t mean they are out of the fight.
The Sentinel also has the option to just…blow the shuttle up. With enough firepower of course!
The Key Operation missions are already up and available for download. So if you want to try out these narrative-style missions then check them out and start playing! There’s the two from above and third one on the way as well. Plus, later there will be rules released to play them in a campaign-style game.
Galactic Legends
Have you ever wanted to play out your Star Wars movie dreams with the characters in Shatterpoint? What if Anakin or Asajj Ventress was a super threat and could cut down their foes as they had their own agendas to complete? Well that’s coming with Galactic Legends!
Here is an early(ish) rule layout of the new card.
The pitch is simple: Think Ultimate Encounters from Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Essentially, one player is the Galactic Legends which is the “main character” version of some of these characters. Then the other character has a strike team. The strike team is made of Secondary and Support units. The Galactic Legends player will be the juiced up one and need to complete some sort of objectives. The other team is trying to stop them or complete objectives of their own.
There’s some more changes coming to the game mode as well and it’s still in development. But the plan is to add even more Galactic Legends and there’s multiple missions that will be added. Ideally, you’ll be able to play any of the Galactic Legends with any of the Galactic Legends Missions. So every time there’s a new character added or new mission introduced, you can dive in with the new stuff or revisit a character you like.
There are plans for a public beta planned for later this year. AMG is shooting for a September test. Your feedback will be very useful and welcome when that happens so keep an eye out for that!
It’s good to see AMG expanding Star Wars: Shatterpoint. I’m looking forward to what they have planned next!