Star Wars: That Time the Empire Made an Invisible Ship – The TIE Phantom Breakdown

How do you fight a ship you can’t see? Perhaps one of the deadliest TIEs ever developed, we break down the TIE/ph Phantom.
Of all the ships developed by the Galactic Empire, the TIE/ph Phantom may be one of the deadliest. The TIE Phantom, as it was known, represented the power and ingenuity of the Imperial Navy. And in particular it was one of Sienar Fleet Systems’ crowning achievements. But what was it? How did it earn its reputation?
And what is a stygium cloaking device exactly?
TIE Phantom Design
To start with, the TIE Phantom was built off of the framework of the V38 Assault Fighter. The V38 was a tri-winged TIE Series starfighter that ultimately proved to be a failure. However, the Phantom built on this design. Designers at Sienar Fleet Systems, capitalized on the strengths of the V38, improving what was there.
For instance, the TIE/ph’s cockpit was elongated, giving the ship more surface area to bind to the wings. The hull section was able to be more heavily armored, as a result. It also housed the ship’s twin ion engines, power generators, and more unique systems.
This did lead to some complications. The TIE Phantom required ships to be retrofitted with specialized docking, launch, and recovery systems. The Phantom had no landing gear, as most of the weight on the ship went into its combat and stealth capabilities.
Phantoms packed a considerable punch into its sleek, streamlined frame. Two laser cannons mounted underneath the body, and three more wingtip cannons, gave phantoms considerable firepower. Especially for a TIE series fighter.
Stygium Crystals
But the signature system of the TIE Phantom was its Mk. III Stygium Cloaking Device. This technology allowed the ship to vanish from the naked eye, as well as sensors and scanners. The experimental device utilized stygium crystals to distort the fighter’s presence. Even the most sophisticated scanners could only detect a sensor anomaly without a firm reading on the phantom.
The workings of the device were a closely guarded secret. The Empire fitted every phantom with a self-destruct mechanism that could be remotely activated, so the ship could never be captured.
The Patient Hunters
TIE Phantoms were a notoriously independent ship. The cloaking device meant the fighter could move undetected. With a built-in hyperdrive, enough consumables to feed a crew for up to two weeks, and most importantly, life support system, a single TIE phantom could operate for days away from its carrier.
Packs of phantoms could be unleashed in enemy territory. Moving silently and unseen, they could get the jump on valuable targets before fading back into darkness. The Galactic Empire had plans to unleash a “Phantom Fleet” however, their plans never came to fruition.
Developing a Ghost
But first, a word on the cloaking devices. They weren’t a new technology by any stretch. During the days of the Old Republic, cloaking devices had been much more common throughout the galaxy. However, when the stygium crystals were depleted from one of the few rare mines, cloaked vessels faded into the backdrop.
Only the desperation of the Empire led to them investigating cloaking technology. The higher-ups in Imperial Command sought a new weapon to catch the Rebels off-guard. After losing the Death Star, they were worried. Enter Grand Admiral Martio Batch, a relatively unknown Imperial officer.
Promoted by Palpatine directly, the Grand Admiral took charge of the new project. Key in the development was the advent of another superweapon that was able to shatter a planet to get at the stygium in its core. With this resource secured, the TIE Phantoms could be developed in earnest.
The TIE Phantom Fleet
As word of the TIE Phantom spread throughout the galaxy, fear grew. Sigma Squadron, an elite unit of Imperial Pilots, was given a squad of the stealth fighters. They devastated Rebel shipping in and around the Polis Massa Research Base. The TIE Phantom was a success, and the Rebels suddenly had a clock counting down.
Rebel Agents followed every lead they could. The YT-1300 light freighter Corellia Star uncovered crucial information about the stygium facility, though they didn’t know the extent of it.
Investigating the distress call, a B-wing pilot known only as Rookie One, was captured and managed to escape the Empire’s clutches. Through the actions of Rookie One, the Rebels were able to attack the Phantom’s carrier, a ship known as the Terror. After sneaking aboard, disguised as Stormtroopers, Rookie One was able to steal a Phantom and use it to cause havoc.
Rookie One destroyed the reactor core, as well as the fleet of phantoms being carried in the Terror. The Empire managed to destroy the vessel via self-destruct before the Rebellion could examine it. However, the damage was done. And the secret production facility exposed. And not long after, the Rebellion attacked the facility producing the TIE Phantoms, and saved themselves from the Empire once again.
May the Force be with you