‘Starfinder’: All the Fun of ‘Pathfinder’ But With Robots!

Check out the game that asks the question: What if your adventuring party had laser pistols? Get ready to dive into Starfinder.
Welcome in, noble adventurers! Have you ever wanted to take your fantasy adventures beyond the stars? Do you look at your sorcerer and wish she could summon a motorcycle instead of a horse? Well then, you’re in luck! Paizo, the publisher of the popular Pathfinder fantasy game, has a space system that will be just perfect for that interstellar itch. Introducing Starfinder!
As the name suggests, Starfinder is a version of Pathfinder that takes place among the stars. Players build a crew of interstellar adventurers to ply their trade and save not only their world but ALL worlds. Want to play a pirate crew a la Firefly? You can! Want to roll dice with the Guardians of the Galaxy? Grab your Walkman and pump the tunes! If you want a fabulous space-faring adventure that still feels familiar, look no further.
History of the Game and Gameplay Basics
Starfinder began its journey as a Pathfinder sourcebook called Distant Worlds in 2012. Similar to the Spelljammer setting for D&D, it was wildly successful. In May 2016, Paizo announced the creation of the standalone Starfinder system, which was fully released at GenCon in 2017.
The game plays almost identically to Pathfinder, with a few notable exceptions. It runs off the d20 system introduced by Wizards of the Coast and utilizes a playstyle similar to 3.0. Players choose their race and class, distribute stats using a point-buy style system, and select their proficient skills. Classes can be further customized with subclasses, specializations, and talents, and each race brings special abilities of its own. While it is a bit “crunchier” than modern D&D, it is the perfect system for those who want a little more character customization in their gameplay.
Making a Character
Building your character is fairly standard fare for d20 systems. You assign stats, pick a race, pick a class, and rustle up some equipment. Starfinder combines the standard races we’ve come to love from fantasy, like elves, gnomes, and orcs, with slightly more alien races, like the rodent Ysoki or the reptilian Vesk. If you want to get really wild, you can even play as a sentient starfish! There are tons of options, each with its own unique abilities, skills, and drawbacks. I’m particularly fond of the Ysoki and the insectile Lashunta, a race of psychics similar to Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy.
The classes are much the same, combining the fantasy elements we know and love with technology and space. Players can be Rogues, but that could be an Assassin or a tech-saavy Hacker. Summoners can call on beasts, but they can also create massive constructs. There are even casters that can synergize directly with technology, giving them preternatural control over mechanical objects. Artificers WISH they had that kind of tech.
Is it Compatible with Pathfinder?
Absolutely! Starfinder takes place in the distant future of Pathfinder’s setting, so you can play either or both! Maybe your fantasy heroes find a derelict ship and set off into the stars to ply their trade on other worlds! Maybe your space-faring outlaws find a world of myth and magic and decide to kick back for a while! The possibilities are endless.
Helpful Resources
The best place to go for all your Starfinder needs is the source. Paizo’s dedicated site is full of helpful links, resources, and character builders. Don’t go adventuring without it!