The Ocean is Full of Terrors With These Sea Monster D&D Accessories

If your party is going to sea, beware, the ocean is full of monsters. Your table can be just as imposing with these sea monster accessories.
The ocean in real life is pretty scary. I love and live pretty close to the ocean and I still have a healthy respect slash fear of it. And that’s the real ocean that might only have monsters. You know the fantasy ocean your DM is sending you to definitely has monsters waiting. Prepare for those horrors of your DM’s creation with these tabletop sea monsters that are on your side. Or at the very least probably won’t kill you or your characters.
1. Ship Dice

A good set of dice always helps set a mood, and these ship dice say, “I sure hope we don’t encounter a Kraken today.” And also, “Don’t say that so loud, you’ll give the GM ideas.” a mixture of crystal clear and blue resin give the illusion of water, and the tiny ship figures in the dice sail through what I’m sure will remain a peaceful, monster free day.
2. Shark Dice Tray

From Jaws to The Meg, we love being afraid of sharks. Sure, they don’t usually want to chomp on people and confuse us for seals. But they’ve got a lot of very sharp, scary teeth and swim much faster than us. In real life, the ocean is huge, unexplored, and full of who-knows-what, but we do know about the sharks. So just imagine what the fantasy sharks look like!
3. The Kraken

There are lots of options for Kraken and sea monster miniatures. But this one is especially neat in my opinion. With a head and thirteen individual tentacles, you can set this monster up all over your board or keep it constantly moving. As a player, it’s sort of horrifying, and I really appreciate that about it. This mini set comes in primer gray and needs to be painted. But with an endless number of colors for Krakens to come in, I’m sure yours will look badass.
4. Kraken Dice Tower

Dice towers are always fun statement pieces to have at your table. And if you’re taking your players to the ocean to meet some ocean monsters, this dice tower will make your intentions clear. A giant Kraken attacks a castle tower, probably to steal your dice. Or your characters. Or both.
5. Shark Snack Bowl

Sometimes I see an accessory that’s so hilarious and perfect that I don’t even care if it’s not strictly D&D related. You know what your party is going to want for their gaming session? Snacks. You know what this goofy little shark is doing? Holding all of your party’s snacks for the session. It’s silly and fun, but also very functional. Just like your average D&D group.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money because we’re gunna need a biggger boat.