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The ‘Stormlight RPG’ Answers a Big Stormlight Archives Question About a Magic Sword

3 Minute Read
Jul 29 2024

A new interview with Brandon Sanderson reveals that the Stormlight RPG will answer a big question about the Stormlight Archives.

The Stormlight RPG is coming to Kickstarter on August 6th, just in time for you to recover from Gen Con. And when it hits, you can be sure there’s going to be a ton of information to dig into—enough lore and weird corners of the world to satisfy even the hungriest fan.

But, in a recent interview with Polygon, Stormlight Archives author Brandon Sanderson revealed that the RPG will tie into and give players the opportunity to break the canon in all sorts of interesting ways. Fans of the novels will be intrigued to learn that the RPG seeks to answer a big question: what happened to a missing magic sword?

The Stormlight RPG’s First Adventure

Stormlight’s first adventure is basically ‘Dude, Where’s Taln’s Sword?’ Fans of the series will know that the world of Roshar was once protected by 10 legendary Heralds who wielded powerfully magic swords known as Honorblades. Of course, nothing good lasts. And while they protected humanity for untold years, the Heralds all abandoned their duties, except for Taln, Herald of the Common Man.

And here, things get interesting. Shortly after he appears in the books, his Honorblade vanishes. What happened? Where is it now? Well, according to Sanderson, speaking to Polygon, that’s exactly what the RPG hopes to answer:

“The adventure is answering that question. What happened? Where did it go? What’s going on? And you get to be part of the story. We were looking for an adventure that you could do that would intersect with the canon of the books in an interesting way ,and allow you to fill in a hole yourself.”

Sanderson revealed that the first adventures will be called the Stonewalkers Adventure. Players will learn what happened to Taln in a hunt for an important treasure of the world of Roshar, and along the way, perhaps even join the Knights Radiant. Sanderson was excited for players to play in the Cosmere, likening it to when he played the West End Games Star Wars RPG:

“[O]ur first campaign was about how we accidentally killed Luke Skywalker and then had to save the galaxy with no Luke Skywalker. We did other campaigns where we said, OK, the canon movies happened. We’re not going to interfere with those. We’re just there on the Death Star when it’s about to blow up and we need to get off. I like the GM having the capacity to do both and anything in between. I wouldn’t release an RPG if I didn’t want players to mess with my canon.”

The Stormlight RPG Launches on Kickstarter on August 6th.


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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