The ‘Stormlight RPG’ Designer Previews Action Mechanics

Before the Stormlight RPG comes to Kickstarter, one of the designers has shown off what actions might look like in the game.
The Stormlight Archive RPG is coming later this year to Kickstarter. And it’s easily going to be one of the biggest projects of 2024. It’s kind of got its success already baked in with the ravenous Sanderson fanbase. After all, Sanderson raised $40 million for novels, and an RPG seems like it’s serving up a fan-favorite dish on a platter.
With barely any information about the game out there, the Kickstarter, launching August 6th, already has 20,000 followers, which is huge. Although that number is likely to increase. Especially after designer Johnny O’Neal of Brotherwise Games showed off some of the “actions” that you’ll be able to take in the Stormlight RPG.
Stormlight RPG Preview – Actions

In a post on Twitter, Johnny O’Neal of Brotherwise Games invited fans to take a peek at some of the mechanics in development for the Stormlight RPG.
Hey, let’s take a closer look at Actions in the #StormlightRPG!
Game design is all about giving players meaningful choices, and I think the team did a great job bringing that philosophy to combat. Your choices, like “fast or slow” and “use Aid or Dodge,” are really impactful!
Johnny O’Neal on Twitter
And here’s a look at the Stormlight RPG actions themselves:

There’s a lot going on here. If you aren’t familiar, the Stormlight RPG will be rooted in d20 mechanics, because of course it will. You’ll still have initiative; you’ll do things in 5 feet increments. Looking at the list, you can see things like shove, grapple, and disengage – all familiar 5E terms. However, the team wants to “upgrade d20-based mechanics” with more of an emphasis on narrative elements.

You can see that in some of the actions listed here. There are Opportunities and Complications, which are reminiscent of mechanics anyone who’s played a Fantasy Flight/Edge Studios RPG will be familiar with. You roll a plot die, and on the good symbol, you get a good times point you can spend to do something good. And with a complication, you get a negative effect.
But on top of that are Stormlight Actions, Radiant Spren, and so much more. This is going to be a very crunchy system, as any Sanderson fan might expect.
If you want to learn more, you’ll have to wait for the Kickstarter, which launches on August 6th!