Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks – Early Access Coming Soon

Rev your engines because Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks is coming to early access August 6. Here comes the Ork combat racing game!
Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks looks to be some high-ORKtane excitement. I’ve been keeping tabs on this one and the “ramshackle combat racing” game is coming to early access next week. Mark your calendars and get ready to roll!
“Fans of madcap high-speed action will not be disappointed. “
Speed Freeks Early Access
If you’ve ever though that rolling around in various Ork vehicles and blowing stuff up sounded like a good time this game is for you. It’s a free-to-play multiplayer combat racer. What that means is you’re in the diver’s seat as you steer your combat vehicle around the map unleashing all the dakka dakka you can.
To start in early access there are going to be two game modes to play. The first is dubbed Deff Rally. This is a “16-player scrum for control of capture points which move around the map…” And these capture points move.
The other mode available is Kill Konvoy. In this mode two teams of eight racers have to “escort” their Stompa across the finish line before the other team.
Early Access players will have the ability to provide additional feedback. Help steer the game in right direction for the final release by playing.
You can check out more details on their Steam Page. To me this really is a fun throwback game to the Twisted Metal era. While this isn’t on console (like Twisted Metal) the “combat racer” genre is one I’ve had a soft spot for. The fact that this is the developer’s second spin on the combat racer game genre and it’s got a really strong theme is a good sign.
The visuals look solid and for me it’s really going to come down to getting some hands-on time with the game. If the driving and combat can click together I could see myself spending a lot of time speeding around the various maps blastin’ away. There will also be multiple vehicles to try out. I’m looking forward to taking them all for a spin!
Early Access launches August 6th. I’m expecting a lot of yelling and WAAAGH!!!s on that day.