Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Top 5 Secondary Missions to Discard

Goatboy here with new Pariah Nexus Secondary Mission cards, you most need to ditch – if you want to win.
Goatboy here with another Hot Mess discussion. While I know not everyone can get a hold of the new Pariah Nexus mission cards – those that are playing it have a batch of missions that are just destined to be swapped for a CP or you spend a CP to swap them. These are the ones that just always feel like a bad idea to try for when the game is a race to score enough points to lock in your victory.
If you haven’t been paying competitive 40K – there is a set of tactical mission cards you can get with the new Pariah Nexus Mission Deck. These cards are supposed to be shuffled and randomly drawn during a game. These create your turn-by-turn mission you need to accomplish and are the building blocks in a competitive game. Not everyone seems able to get the decks right now – but as we continue moving along this competitive season, we’ll all get to experience those games where your two draws are destined to be traded for a CP. These are those cards:
5. Area Denial
aka …You got a unit within 3” of the center and there is no enemy within 3”-6” of that center.
Right now as armies are getting built to basically control the center this Secondary can be very difficult to do. How do you reliably remove that giant pile of enemy units from the center of the table and hope to score a few points in the process? Sure if you get paired against those sweet armies that don’t have a ton of board control it ends up being doable but there are times where this secondary mission is just a dead draw.
4. Cull the Horde
aka… your opponent has a unit with a starting strength of 20+
How many times do you draw this while staring at your opponent’s 10-man brick of Terminators who say – yeah, I got enough wounds for you to score this mission. It is heartbreaking as you know your plan was to leave that giant brick of a unit alone, shift along the outer edges, and score points for the game. Now you have to make the decision: do you invest in killing this brick of death, or do you just hold his card for a free CP at the end of your turn. The answer is always: get that CP you sweet prince of the tabletop.
3. Recover Assets
aka… 2+ units in different areas of the board (Deployment, No-mans, Enemy deployment) do an action that is scored at the end of your opponent’s turn.
Look I know you can get models there to do this. But what happens if you start the action, your opponent says “oh no you didn’t”, and then kills two of the three units doing the action? You don’t score the mission, and now it is still in your hand to try and do it again. If you can’t reliably do it with at least two units and score it at the end – just discard it. It is not worth wasting another turn trying to get those points.
2. Marked for Death
aka… your opponent picks three units to mark for death and you got to kill one of them.
Sure, you will get those late-game draws where your opponent only has three units left, and you can easily score this. Most of the time, your opponent picks three units you can’t get near and you are left wondering if you could have done it if you just went for it. Just know that you can’t, and any mission that leaves the opponent making decisions for you is not a good one. You should just take the CP.
1. Sabotage
aka… one unit from your army in a terrain feature not in your deployment zone and it completes at the end of your opponents turn.
Yes, you could get this for your last card, and you got the end-of-game turn, so you can easily score it. But most of the time, it is you throwing an opponent in some kind of tree and hoping your opponent just doesn’t murder that unit. It isn’t a card worth trying as again – it gives so much power to your enemy, mixed with scoring at the end of turn. Hey guess what? If you don’t score it, you get to keep it to try again when you should have just discarded it in the first place.
The Big Problem With These Secondary Missions
Are these Secondary Missions perfect? No, but they are all pretty decent. I don’t want perfect missions for my armies and would rather have things to think about. I do like the random nature of the game, but really wish these cards and missions were just in the 40K App. Heck, if you are paying for the 40K App you should just get the basic card info in there in. Not an easily random format, just in a format we can read.
How is everyone liking Pariah Nexus? Did you find a deck box or are you using other means to have cards? Remember you only need one set from the deck box and letting a friend borrow them is easy. Also you can get Tarot card deck sleeves and they fit perfectly for those who don’t them too damaged while we play.