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Warhammer 40K: Imotekh The Stormlord

3 Minute Read
Jul 20 2024
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Before the return of the Silent King there was another Phaeron that was the main leader of the Necrons. Meet Imotekh the Stormlord!

Imotekh the Stormlord is a Necron Overlord who holds the title of Phaeron of the powerful Sautekh Dynasty and commands over eighty Necron Tomb Worlds.

Imotekh Rises

When he awoke from the Great Sleep, Imotekh found his Tomb World of Mandragora in disarray, torn apart by civil war between lesser Necron Lords. Enraged at the anarchy around him, he marshalled his own army and destroyed the chief antagonists, claiming the throne of Mandragora for himself. He has since forbade any infighting within his realm, considering it a waste of time and resources. Since 781.M41 he has ruled the Sautekh Dynasty, the most powerful of all the Necron Dynasties, with an iron fist and seeks to conquer the galaxy.

Imotekh is known to be a great strategist, perhaps the most accomplished in the galaxy, and is said to have never been defeated in battle. His campaigns are known to encompass not only single worlds, but entire star systems and whole sectors of space. His impeccable strategies follow logical patterns, indeed, only races that abandon all sense of logic having any hope of defeating him. Amongst the few races capable of such a feat are the Orks, who remain a constant thorn in the side of Imotekh. The Stormlord is known to have immense armies at his disposal and is known to requisition thousands of Necron Warriors for his war campaigns.

Imotekh Miniature (2011)

Imotekh Goes To War

In battle, Imotekh is known to use terror as a weapon against his foes, recognizing its effectiveness against the lesser races. He leads his armies from the forefront and personally challenges high-ranking foes in duels of honourable combat. His undefeated reign has marked one critical weakness of the Stormlord, which is he never kills his defeated foe but leaves them wounded but alive in order for them to suffer from the humiliation of defeat.


Imotekh Miniature (2023)


Imotekh has grown resentful of the returned Silent King Szarekh, for he sees himself as the great unifier of the Necron race and does not wish to be eclipsed by any other in this role. Moreover, Imotekh views the mechanical forms of the Necrons as improvements over their prior organic states and opposes Szarekh’s goal to reverse Biotransference. To that end, Imotekh revolted against Szarekh’s authority during the War in the Pariah Nexus. The Stormlord seeks to destabilize the Pariah Nexus in hopes of foiling Szarekh’s designs.

Learn more about Imotekh The Stormlord at the Lexicanum!


Author: Adam Harrison
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