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Warhammer 40K: ‘Imperial Agents’ Return With A New Codex & More

4 Minute Read
Jul 22 2024
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The Imperial Agents are up next for a new codex. But that’s not all they are getting for Warhammer 40,000.

Games Workshop is bringing in the unexpected: The Inquisition! The Imperial Agents are on deck for a new codex and they have a returning character as well as some new Battleforces coming, too.

via Warhammer Community

“These Inquisitors rarely take to the field in person, but should the need arise, they can draft entire armies into their service. Some latch onto larger Imperial forces and operate from the sidelines, while others assemble companies of auxiliary troops into cohesive armies – and both approaches can be found in the new Codex: Imperial Agents”

Codex: Imperial Agents

The new codex can be used in a couple of different ways. First up, you can just take this and add an Inquisitor and his aides to your army. That’s pretty straightforward as they can added to basically all Imperium armies. And there are other Assigned Agents that can be added, too. Like Deathwatch Members as an example.

The other way to play the army is to build an entire Imperial Agents army. This book has four different Detachments you can use to do just that. And, like all other Detachments, they will have their own rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements to use. “Three of these Detachments are themed around the major Inquisitorial Ordos, while the fourth represents those forces with significant Imperial Navy backing.”

While we all kind of figured we’d get the three Detachments from the different Inquisitorial Ordos, I was not expecting an Imperial Fleet Detachment. But it makes sense as GW has added a few kits to the range that fill that role well.


“The Imperialis Fleet Detachment can call upon a wide variety of support options to redeploy, avoid harm, and fight in close quarters. It’s a great way to experience the entire spectrum of an Imperial Agents army, as it has relatively few restrictions on who can be targeted by its Stratagems. This way, Assassins can fight alongside Rogue Traders, Inquisitors, and more as you wish, while Navy Breachers and Arbites enforcers single out critical objectives to secure At All Costs.”

Whatever Detachment you choose, you can bring an Inquisitor along for good measure. Considering how useful they can be it’s probably a good idea, too.

Imperial Agent Reinforcements

The Imperial Agents also have some new goodies coming their way. First up, we have a returning favorite: Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz is back with a new miniature.


Along with the updated miniature the Imperial Agents also have a trio of new Battleforce boxes coming to help you jumpstart your collections.



These are a great way to jump right in to the specific Ordo of your choice. It’s also looks like we’re getting some repackaged Kill Team miniatures and other various characters in the Battleforces, too. These could be fun additions if you don’t have the miniatures already.

And finally, GW also dropped this line for you Grey Knight fans out there:

“Finally, don’t worry Grey Knights players – this is only the first chance you’ll have to send your Terminators off on a daemon-hunting crusade. There will be a dedicated Grey Knights Codex on the way next year, but there are still a few factions to get through before the Knights of Titan start to peek their shiny battle plate over the horizon.”

So there you have it. Grey Knights are coming next year and we’ve got a “few factions to get through” before them. That’s quite the tease from GW.


The Inquisition…what a show!


Author: Adam Harrison
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