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Warhammer 40K: The Game’s 5 Best “Fights First” Leaders

4 Minute Read
Jul 18 2024

Goatboy here looking at all the Warhammer 40K leaders that add Fights First to a unit they are leading. These are 10th Edition’s best.

There are a lot of these Fights First leaders out there in 40K. While some are better than others – what really matters is what units they can join.  If those units hits like a freight train it lets that leader shine. Let’s get started:

5. Genestealers Cult – Locus

This is an interesting option as it grants the unit they join Fights First.  Then on top of that, The Locus allows another GSC character to join to create a little super unit. The unit isn’t always the best but it is something that could be really interesting – all based on points and how much you want to invest in a unit with a ton of crazy GSC characters.

4. Drukhari – Court of the Archon – Ur-Ghul

This is an interesting one and most likely something that could get amazing if they update their rules a bit and create a sweet little new unit when they release the book.  The Ur-Ghul gives the unit Fights First and while the unit itself isn’t the craziest… it could be.  Again if they boost up the Archon, boost up some of the other options, and let it run while as this crazy Court of Hooligans on the tabletop.

3. Drukhari – Lelith Hesperax

I know – two Dark Eldar options in this list! But Lelith Hesperax is a pretty crazy little model that just amplifies a unit of Wyches.  She even adds more AP to the unit as well as the Strength.  This is a crazy set of rules on top of Fights First. Really, the only thing keeping her at bay is just having a 1 Damage blade attack.  It doesn’t make a ton of sense for this crazy murder machine to just come at you with a little pinprick of doom.


2. World Eaters – Master of Executions

This guy went from being the best HQ option with an Enhancement to someone interesting to add to your Berzerker horde.  Giving Fights First to a unit that loves to fight is a great thing and while you can’t add the Master of Executions and Kharn to the same unit like you can with Chaos Space Marines options, it is still pretty good.  This guy is going to come in, point to the leader in the unit, and throw a ton of Damage 3 beat downs to ensure you can burn a CP and roll another Blessings of Khorne roll.

1. Death Guard – Foul Blightspawn

This one I think is on the edge of being too much just based on how cheap Plague Marines are and how many options they can carry with them.  You mix in some fun extra AP goodness from a Rotting Aura or just overwhelming a unit that tries to crash in and do some damage.  I am just glad the Foul Blightspawn can’t join up with Death Guard Terminators or have some kind of Terminator option as it would be a pain to see a giant blob Rapid Ingress into your table half and just control the board.  Lucky for us, it seems these guys got a bit expensive so having three units of Plague Marines with three Foul Blightspawn is not the best thing to show up on the tabletop. Whew!

I am sure there are some others but these are the ones I have seen a few times during my travels in world of 40K 10th Edition Tournaments.  A few of these Fight First characters have driven me crazy as I try to figure how I can shoot them off the table, assault them with things that don’t care about being punched first, or just ignoring them to score an objective or two.  Fights First is one of the abilities I expect to go away for some of these Index armies. It is a powerful ability to really warps the game in a way that can be frustrating.


Good Luck on the tabletop!

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