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Warhammer 40K: These Chaos Space Marine Minis REALLY Need an Update

4 Minute Read
Jul 25 2024
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Goatboy here with 5 minis in the 40K Chaos Space Marine codex that DESPERATELY an update!

These CSM minis are either old resin models, ancient plastic models, or just kits that lack the true chaotic nature that is needed for the army in 2024.  Chaos Space Marines are supposed to be the ultimate villain poster boys for the 40K universe and some of the models – just don’t cut it.

Not all of these are bad models – but some are just lacking some customization that we all miss from those that pledged their eternal souls to the Chaos Gods.  I am happy with all the cool new stuff the CSMs have but thought – this release could have been more than just two HQ choices – especially when their old Lt. model was sacrificed to bring these two to life.

5. Obliterators

I thought we were going to get a whole new customizable kit with a ton of cool options.  Instead, we have to deal with the update we got a few years ago in Shadowspear. While they are neat the Obliterator models are so static it is frustrating.  I have painted a lot of them and wish we had gotten a cool update like the Helbrute kit we got.  Just having a chance to do some different weapon loadouts and maybe some cooler heads would have just let this past CSM release – been a much more significant one.

4. Chaos Space Marine Bikers

I was hoping we would see a new CSM Biker kis, as it is just so dated right now.  I was also hoping we would see them show up in World Eaters at some point but still – why didn’t we get new bikes?  The Outriders for Space Marines became the default biker and we could have had something similar for the Chaos Space Marine line. I keep flirting with bringing some of the ones I have made for armies years ago. But until I fully bit on the CSM line I will just have to leave them sitting on the side. These guys are just so 3rd Edition.

3. Huron Blackheart

I talked about this before but the fact this model is still in the codex is cool. But it makes no sense why we don’t have an updated Huron kit.  It is an old hunk of resin that just doesn’t fit in the overall scheme that is CSM.  Huron Blackheart isn’t big enough, his weapons look a bit weird, and he just isn’t cool-looking anymore.  I thought we would see a brand new kit or at least have him built from the new Chaos Lord model. But no, this rough-looking mini is circling the drain, desperately hoping to get replaced.


2. Warp Talons/Raptors

Here is another kit that seems a bit too old-looking now when compared to the rest of the CSM line.  We got an updated jump pack Chaos Lord so why don’t we get a whole new Warp-Talons/Raptors kit designed to match up with their leader?  It could just be as simple as being a bit more dynamic of a kit with a more aggressive looking style to match their fluff. These guys have that weird dancing vibe, and it needs to go.

1. Chaos Lord/Sorcerer Lord in Terminator Armor

Oh why isn’t this kit updated?  It feels like such a hole in the CSM line especially since they show up in Thousand Sons and Death Guard.  A simple kit update would affect all the CSM armies/codexes and if we got lucky, you could see one show up in World Eaters too.  Make this a super rad Chaos Lord/Sorceror Lord Terminator kits with all the power-specific bits, just like the new Chaos Daemon Prince. It would be a home run release that will get people “building” lots of new CSM characters.

What CSM minis would you replace first?


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