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WotC’s New President Hails From World of Warcraft

2 Minute Read
Jul 18 2024

WotC announced a new incoming president today – coming straight from World of Warcraft. Sadly, not like how you’re thinking.

Look, it would be AMAZING for us all if this story was that, I dunno, Anduin Wrynn or Jaina Proudmoore, or Thrall, was somehow going to be the new president of Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast has had a vacancy at the very top of its executive charts since Cynthia Williams stepped down.

It would be absolutely wild if the incoming president had experience that included “leading the Horde against the burning legion” and “leading Grom Hellscream on a path of redemption that ultimately freed orcs from the influence of demon blood.” But no, the new incoming president is just a regular person from Earth.

via Blizzard

While John Hight might not have personally been visited by the seer and Guardian of Tirisfal known as Medivh to be told that “the sands of time have run out,” he did previously serve as Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Warcraft Franchise at Blizzard Entertainment.

WotC’s New President

BusinessWire first reported on WotC’s announcement, which detailed the appointment of John Hight as President of Wizards of the Coast and Digital Gaming, as well as Holly Barbacovi as Chief People Officer.

Hight as president is a move that tracks for WotC. As Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks has repeatedly stated, the future of WotC is digital. And that means gaming. Wizards of the Coast has several gaming studios now, so having somene used to working in that industry makes a lot of sense. Per BusinessWire’s reporting, Hight’s new role is a “significant step in Hasbro’s strategic focus on digital experiences and video games.”

As President, [Hight’s] role will include oversight of Hasro’s network of gaming studios and digital licensing agreements. He will also lead strategy for Magic: the Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons while driving continued global growth for the division and uncovering new storytelling tabletop and digital experiences.

Meanwhile, Holly Barbacovi returns to Hasbro, having previously been WotC’s VP of HR from 2016 to 2020. After working at Bungie as Chief People Officer and later Chief Operating Officer, Barbacovi returns to Hasbro to “ensure Hasbro remains an inclusive global employer through the company’s transformation.”

With WotC focusing ever more on digital gaming, what do you think these new appointments hold for D&D and magic?


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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