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Adamantium: This Alloy is More Than Just Dip for Mutant Skeletons

4 Minute Read
Aug 24 2024

From the Hercules of old to Wolverine, adamantium is powerful stuff. But how powerful is it exactly? And how do you slap it on a guy’s bones?

It’s more than just a shiny accessory—the alloy known as adamantium plays a major role in the Marvel comic book universe. I mean, c’mon, everyone and their mom knows who Wolverine is. But long before his bones were coated in the stuff, adamantium existed in another mythological form. And that metal is a pretty big deal in D&D, Warhammer 40K, and lots of other fantasy settings. So what exactly is adamantium—or adamantine?

What is Adamantium?

Listen, if you’re in the market for an indestructible alloy, I’ve got good news for you. Adamantium is just that. It’s a fictional metal based on adamantine, the material used to fashion the golden mace used by Hercules in ancient Greek mythology.

In the context of the Marvel universe, adamantium is a man-made alloy discovered by a doctor looking to create an unbreakable metal to assist the allied forces during WWII. The results of his first experiment created proto-adamantium—which is what Captain America’s shield is made from. Later fiddling resulted in the real deal, or “true adamantium”. This is the stuff Wolverine’s skeleton is coated in.

An image of Wolverine's skeleton coated in adamantium surrounded by fire.

Like all fantasy metals, melting it down means you can shape it into all kinds of handy things other than a skeleton koozie. Weapons, armor, and tools would all benefit from an adamantium foundation. It takes really high fictional-heat to melt this alloy down to mold it, though.

In the Marvel universe, adamantium is basically synonymous with Wolverine. It’s also present in Sabretooth, Cyber, X-23, and others. It’s been used to coat Ultrons, make arrows for Hawkeye, Doctor Octopus’ arms, Bucky’s Captain America suit, Kraven the Hunter’s knife, and more. In Deadpool & Wolverine, Deadpool gets some katanas made of the stuff, Madonna save us all.

Which is Stronger: Vibranium or Adamantium?

This is a much-debated topic and the short answer is adamantium. But it also depends on how you pit them against each other. If equal force is put behind both metals, adamantium is stronger. That’s probably because it’s an alloy made with steel, vibranium, and [material unknown].

An image of technical illustrations showing how adamantium is injected and grafted to bone.
From Marvel Anatomy: A Scientific Study of the Superhuman

What are Its Weaknesses?

There is yet a material to be found that can f*ck with adamantium. As such, its weaknesses are more abstract. The alloy doesn’t provide any resistance to or protection from magic. And it’s a metal, which means that it can be affected by anything that controls metal.

You know, like Magneto.

An image of Magneto using his metal-manipulation powers to strip the adamantium from Wolverine's bones.

How Would It Stand Up Against…

Captain America’s Shield?

Since Cap’s shield is made of proto-adamantium, true adamantium (like Wolverine’s claws) can’t scratch it.


Thor’s Hammer?

Mjolnir has got magic on its side, and that makes a difference. When the Avengers were given a small sample of adamantium to test, Thor’s hammer, at full force, was able to put a small dent in the alloy.

READ MORE: Let’s Play D&D with Wolverine

Hulk’s Skin?

This one is a little murkier because Wolverine and Hulk do love them a good tussle. And part of the reason they keep doing it is because it’s an eternal standoff. He has been cut by adamantium in past storylines. But Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets, and being cut would probably piss him right off.

An image of the Hulk tearing Wolverine in half.
From Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk


Nope! Juggernaut is also an exception to the “it can cut through anything” gig.


Ha! Made ya look. But seriously, Marvel vs. DC is kind of a non-argument because the scope of powers don’t compare. DC heroes like Superman often have powers on a godlike scale so it’s hard to compare. But yes, Superman could probably destroy adamantium if need be.


Adamantium in RPGs, D&D, and Beyond

This fictional alloy isn’t just used by the imaginations at Marvel comics. In Warhammer 40K, adamantium is the strongest metal in the Imperium. It’s used to fashion, among other things, the Imperial Palace’s Eternity Gate.

In D&D, it’s the most valuable metal in the game—more than that of even mithril. Weapons, tools, or armor forged with it will have the highest AC and serve your character well.

In the Marvel Multiverse RPG, adamantium is introduced to the game in the X-Men expansion. The substance even appears as an “adamantium skeleton” perk in the Fallout video game series.

Author: Danni Danger
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