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Age of Sigmar: NOVA Open Previews – Stormcast Eternal Reveals

3 Minute Read
Aug 28 2024

Games Workshop is showcasing the new Stormcast Eternals coming now that the new edition is out for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!

It’s time to check out the new Stormcast Eternals. We knew GW was sitting on them after the Battle of Helcrown and now we’re finally getting to see what they have in store. Was it worth the wait? Take a look for yourself!

Stormreach Portal


Stormstrike Palladors


Knight Arcanum


Lord Imperatant



Lord Relictor

Iridan The Witness

We also got a bit more info about these kits from the WarCom team:

After a pilgrimage to a shrine of Morrda, Iridan was granted knowledge they have since only shared with Sigmar and Ionus Cryptborn. With this insight, they became the first to grant a comrade suffering from the Curse of Reforging a true death. Iridan is now deployed to any battle where Stormcast Eternals are in danger of losing themselves completely, never once forgetting the face of one they have put to rest. 


Additionally this kit can also be built as a Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph. Insert pun about that being morr-gryph here.

The Lord-Celestant kit also looks like it’s got loads of options for players to customize as they’d like also.

There’s also the new Lord-Terminos kit coming with a few more weapon options and headgear to choose from.


We’ve already seen the Reclusions from the box but these look like they’ve got a few more options now.

And finally we’re going to be seeing a new Battletome for the Stormcast Eternals as well as new card packs, too.



Gamer Edition – Stormcast Eternals Battletome 2024


There are some interesting kits coming for sure! If you’re a Stormcast Eternal player you should be ready for some new options added to your army. The new Palladors are a heavy cavalry unit and are going to be very effective on the charge/counter-charge!


What do you think of these new Stormcast Eternals coming soon?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • D&D's Virtual Tabletop, 'Project Sigil', On Display at D&D Direct