AoS: Ironjawz are Ded ‘Ard in 4.0

GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest changes for the pigiron pugilists, the Ironjawz.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.
Ironjawz have always been the hit first, ask question never arm of the Orruk Warclans. Now that the Bonesplitterz have gone the way of the dodo, they represent the brutal to the Kruleboyz‘s kunnin’. They come screaming in with pigiron and rage, ready to turn your fiercest enemy into an Orruk bootprint.
There’s an old adage: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That has never been truer than with the Ironjawz in 4.0. Everything they used to do, they still can but better, and all their weaknesses are still present to keep them fair. They aren’t an overwhelming stampede like the Nighthaunt, but they can certainly hold their own in a scrap.
Ironjawz The Good: Stomping
Ironjawz have always been the fightiest faction in the Realms, and 4.0 sees no reason to change that. The big green monsters are still just as deadly as they ever were, plus a bit more for good measure. They get charge bonuses, they can do extra damage, and they scythe through infantry like wheat. Brutes are especially potent now, either to throw their weight around (literally) to deny objective points for your enemies.
Unless they have something beefy to square off with your warriors, they’re out of luck. All you have to do is keep their cavalry and monsters tied up. This is simple considering how DIFFICULT Ironjawz are to shift. Unfortunately, you do have to get to the enemy, which brings me to their weakness.
Ironjawz The Bad: Sloooooooow
Ironjaws are heavy hitters, but they put a little too much emphasis on the heavy. They’ve slowed down a bit in their age, and a canny enemy will run circles around them. They’re fast on the charge, but they can’t keep up with the standard speed of most armies (and certainly, they’re no match for elves). You’re almost forced to play Gore-gruntas to stay relevant. However, this isn’t that much of an issue, considering that when you do catch the enemy, they’re toast.
Ironjawz The Amazing: Beat Face to the Beat

The Warchanter is INCREDIBLE in the new edition. With all the fun things the “beats” can do, you’ll definitely want to pack at least two of these fellows. Watch your Orruks hit the hardest beats with this drumline behind them.
How did your favorite faction do?