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AoS: Stormcast Shock the Battlefield in 4.0

3 Minute Read
Aug 20 2024

GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the golden guardians of the Realms, the Stormcast Eternals.

Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.

Like the Space Marines in Warhammer 40k, the Stormcast Eternals are the poster children of Age of Sigmar. As such, you’d expect them to be some of the most powerful units on the field, and you wouldn’t be wrong. The Stormcast dominate with versatility, defensive capabilities, and offensive clapbacks. It’s hard to find a battlefield area where they don’t excel.

This does, however, come at the cost of smaller units. The Stormcast are a little easy to overrun with conscious effort, and if you attack their 3+ save enough times, they’ll roll a 2 eventually. That’s not a reason not to run them, just something to be ready for. You still have the best guys in the business, and only Chaos can really match your defense.

Stormcast – The Good: Jack-of-all-trades

Every faction is good at something. The Skaven have their crushing numbers, the Kharadron Overlords have their crushing firepower, and the Gargants have their crushing…well, crushing. The Stormcast, however, are good at almost everything they want to be. They have a decisive hero phase, with access to both Wizards and Priests, a nasty shooting phase, and some of the scariest melee combatants in the game. Best of all, many of their units can excel in more than one area, and I don’t just mean their heroes.

Prosecutors are a perfect example of this. They’re fast, they hit hard, they can weather retaliation, and they can even shoot. Best of all, they can fly over screens to take out the juicy heroes hiding behind them. While not all the Stormcast are this multitalented, their existence is a testament to how versatile the Stormcast can be in 4.0.

Stormcast – The Bad: Sacrosanct Chamber is Gone

Stormcast are incredible, and for a long time, they had one of the largest model pools in Age of Sigmar and the entirety of Games Workshop’s range. However, in 4.0, the Sacrosanct Chamber warriors were returned to the Stormvaults. This hurt a lot of players, who effectively had their entire army terminated. Thankfully, they’re still playable in the Legends lore with the likes of the Beastmen, but that doesn’t soften the blow very much.

How did your favorite faction do?

Author: Clint Lienau
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