Be a Tiny Terror With These Kobold Accessories

Kobolds are one of the D&D fandom’s favorite silly monsters. Sure, they’re not especially brave or fearsome. But they have a certain charm.
Kobolds are probably one of the first monsters you’ve encountered as a fresh-faced dungeon crawler. These tiny lizards aren’t known for being especially powerful or challenging. But they still have a certain tenacity and charm, making them a fan favorite amongst tabletop RPG players. If you love encountering a Kobold, these accessories may be for you.
1. Small But Fierce Shirt

Live your life like a Kobold and be fierce. Much fiercer than your stature would normally lead people to expect. Find the biggest person in the room and pick a fight with them. Or, just wear one of these fun shirts featuring a Kobold design.
2. Kobold Cosmetic Bag

You may not need a cosmetic bag. Maybe you don’t wear makeup, maybe you already have a place for all of your toiletries when you travel. But do you need a pencils-dice-and-minis bag for your D&D campaign? Why not? Get yourself a little treato with this happy kobold zipper bag.
3. Kobold Warband Figures

Not every Kobold you meet is going to be a soft, huggable plush doll. Sometimes you’ll run into a few at the table who are looking for trouble. And in that case, your DM may want a warband of Kobolds to throw on the map in your characters’ path! These eight Kobolds are up to no good, so watch out! Don’t worry though, as their numbers start to dwindle, the chances of them running away skyrockets.
4. Kobold Player Mini

You can actually play as a Kobold if you’d like. And if that’s the character you’re picking, you’ll want a little tiny lizard miniature to use at your gaming table. This one is custom printed in sturdy resin at 26mm and ready to paint. And that ‘roar’ expression and weapons are perfect for a Kobold’s infamous cry.
5. Kobolds Ate My Baby

If you haven’t heard of Kobolds Ate My Baby, it’s a short, simple, and very fun tabletop RPG. Basically, you play as a pack of Kobolds and all compete to find and eat a baby first. It’s a little stupid, but it’s a really good time. The rules are easy to learn, and games are very short. I’ve played this quite a few times, and it’s honestly one of my favorite mini-RPGs.
The rules about Kobolds having limited speech abilities so you can only shout at your friends using something like 5 words are especially funny. Don’t be thrown off though, Kobolds look a little more like dog-gremlins than lizards in this game. And if card games are more your speed than one-shot RPGs, they have a Munchkin game, too.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy a thousand Kobold guards.