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D&D Direct: 5.5E Monster Manual Preview – ‘The Most Monster Packed Manual D&D Has Ever Had’

3 Minute Read
Aug 27 2024

The new 5.5E Monster Manual has the most monsters, many with all new art, and will be ready to level up your campaign’s opposition.

At D&D Direct, WotC opened up the covers, at least a little, for the upcoming 5.5E Monster Manual, due out in February, 2025. In the Monster Manual preview, WotC highlights the fact that this book is as full as a Monster Manual has ever been. With updated artwork, updated monster rules, and more, here’s a little of what we can expect from the book.

D&D 5.5E Monster Manual Preview – The Biggest Ever

In addition to the twig blights and droopy plant guy (presumably a new kind of twig blight) up there, WotC showed off the artwork for a rogue’s gallery’s worth of creatures. Many familiar faces with a fresh coat of paint – and new rules to follow – but a few new ones made an appearance as well.

“This is by far the most monster-packed monster manual D&D has ever had. Part of that, frankly, is when I was drafting the original outline, I just couldn’t stop.

Yes, the Monster Manual is going to give you the rules for monsters and cool art. But really, for me, it’s this massive tome of inspiration.”

D&D Direct

For instance, this dragon elemental? Or maybe it’s an aspect of Tiamat (but it only has four heads, so I dont think so)? Or somehow connected to both as some weird princes of the apocalypse kind of thing? I don’t know. But it looks extremely cool. Water, Lightning, Fire, Acid, and Earth all sort of rolled up into a big multiheaded dragon elemental thing. Fun times.

Or how about the new Green Dragon and this evil Tree that looks like it’s full of corpses and skulls—which makes me think it’s not a Shambling Mound or evil Treant, but a new thing altogether.

Joining them, a new look for Sahuagin and their giant shark mounts, as well as what looks to be Sahuagin Green Goblin riding on an underwater chariot.

We have a more elemental focused yeti, who seems to be glowing with frosty energy that doesn’t look like it came from any old silk hat they found.

One of my favorite pieces shown off has to be the new Dracolich artwork. It’s breathing souls, it looks like. Or is it inhaling them? Either way, I wouldn’t want to be near that.


Even Asmodeus makes an appearance, looking especially jaunty, presenting adventurers with a fate they might be spared from, perhaps.

At any rate, the new Monster Manual art looks amazing. Sadly, WotC didn’t showcase any new monster mechanics—but here’s hoping they keep pace with the power boost coming to characters in the 5.5E Player’s Handbook.

Happy adventuring!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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