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D&D: Five Magnificent Magical Cloaks for Your Character

3 Minute Read
Aug 17 2024

Every D&D character wears a magical cloak at one point or another. Even the Barbarian. Why settle for anything less than the best?

Magic cloaks are a staple of D&D. But most characters are lucky if they get more than a Cloak of Protection +1. Which is hands down the most boring magical cloak D&D. Stop settling for inferior magical cloaks, pick these instead.

Cloak of the Manta Ray

This magical cloak is awesome because it actually matters if you wear the cloak’s hood up or down. Pull the hood up (which takes an action) and you can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed of 60 feet.

How often does your cloak double your movement speed (situationally)?

Cloak of Many Fashions

Alright. This one is a common magical item, but its unique quality earns its place among the best magical cloaks in D&D. With the Cloak of Many Fashions, you can use a bonus action to change the style, color, and apparent quality of the garment. It can’t ever be anything but a cloak, but it’s a flexible, easy disguise.

Cloak of Invisibility

This magical cloak lets you become invisible when you pull up your hood. Much like the Cloak of the Manta Ray, it actually matters. One action buys you one minute of invisibility, and unlike the spell, this invisibility persists even if you take attack actions or cast spells.


So you can cloak yourself, and fight or flee, or do whatever else you want.

Cloak of the Bat

via Warner Bros.

This cloak does many, many things. It starts by giving you advantage on stealth checks. But, while you’re in dim light or darkness, you can also fly at a speed of 40 feet, which is huge for most characters. Of course, you have to stay in dim light or darkness to keep flying this way.

You can also use the cloak in an area of dim light or darkness to become a bat.

And you stay a bat until you decide not to be. So this cloak, in a way, is even better than being Batman.

Cloak of Billowing


The Cloak of Billowing, as the name suggests, billows dramatically on command. Best magic item in the game, easy.

Happy adventuring

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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