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Games That Will Make You Feel Like an Olympic Athlete… From Your Couch

3 Minute Read
Aug 2 2024

Sure, none of us will actually go to the actual Olympics. But with these toys and games, we can feel like we are for a bit!

The Olympics are underway, and even if you’re not actively watching, you’ve probably seen at least a little bit. Whether you’re just here for the memes, actively watching your favorite sport played at its highest level, or just looking for clips of the opening ceremony, the internet has been full of Olympic clips all week. So since we’re not there, let’s pretend we conceivably could be with some of these toys and games.

1. Gymnastics Challenge Game

This toy is so silly and I love it. Basically you press the buttons to make the little man swing on the apparatus and then let go, hopefully sticking the landing on the little sticky pad. It’s harder and more frustrating than you think, but weirdly addictive. One of my favorite videos of the week so far has been a bunch of Olympic gymnasts trying to win this game and failing spectacularly.

2. Mario and Sonic at the Olympics

This was released four years ago for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, but an update isn’t really necessary. The game let’s you compete in various Olympic sports with the popular Nintendo characters. It’s silly and goofy, but if you want to compete in your own animated Olympics with your friends, this will easily be one of the most fun ways to do it.

3. Mini Foosball

Foosball is already like mini soccer (or football depending on where you’re reading from). And this is an even mini-er version of that. I tried to play soccer when I was young and was absolutely awful. But I’m very good at pinball so maybe this is the version of soccer for me.

4. Trivial Pursuit, Sports Edition

There’s always people who know a lot about a sport…. in theory. Have they ever played? No, absolutely not. But my goodness are they good at collecting fun facts and seemingly useless information. And those are the people who trivia games were created for. Wow your friends with your very, very specific knowledge.

5. Fencing Beginner Set

Are you an armchair coach? Do you watch the Olympics and say things like, “Oh, that was wrong, they’re not getting told with that move,” despite never studying the sport yourself? May I suggest picking up a new hobby? Maybe the one you’ve been commenting on. There’s lots of sports, but I picked this one specifically because my husband keeps talking about signing our toddler up for fencing when she’s old enough. And I don’t know if you’ve met any toddlers, but the last thing they need is a sword. In reality, I have no idea if this is actually a decent starter set or not. But overall I’m always pro active hobbies.

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