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Games Workshop Pre-Orders: Warriors of Chaos & Mechanicum Weekend

12 Minute Read
Aug 31 2024

Games Workshop has very different pre-orders this weekend. The Warriors of Chaos are on the move and so is the Mechanicum!

If you like your Warriors of Chaos on square bases or your Heresy from the same era then GW has news for you! The weekend pre-orders span Warhammer: The Old World and also Warhammer: Age of Darkness (aka The Horus Heresy). If I had to pick my favorite release from this week…I’d gotta go with the Archmagos Prime. There’s just something about this weird robot Space Pope hat that’s appealing to me. But my runner-up is the old school Chaos Warriors kit. That’s just a really solid set of miniatures from the Old World. They’ve been in service since forever and with good reason! They rank up perfectly after all this time.


Triaros Armoured Conveyor $95

The Triaros is the primary armoured battlefield transport of the Mechanicum Taghmata in the Age of Darkness, relying on unique technologies held as arcana by the magos autokrator and never divulged for wider Imperial use, even by the Legiones Astartes. Its galvanic traction drives and hermetically sealed storage bay allow it to operate in hard vacuums and hostile environments, delivering Tech-thralls and even light automata into combat. Layered wardings, interlocking energy shields, and independently animated weapons servitors keep the Triaros protected from harm, while its reactor-fed shock ram can shatter and incinerate whatever it touches.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Triaros Armoured Conveyor, an imposing heavy transport fielded by the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. This awesome vehicle features a transport hatch on either side of its hull, with arcane mechanisms visible beneath its armoured frame. Its prow is dominated by a huge shock ram, with a pair of volkite calivers and a double-barrelled mauler bolt cannon mounted to its roof and sides. The rear of the Triaros features its advanced flare shield generators and a servo-guided searchlight, and the kit also contains two optional hunter-killer missiles that can be attached to the hull.

This kit contains 119 plastic components. This set also includes 1x Mechancium Macro-constructs Transfer Sheet containing 394x high-quality waterslide transfers for you to use to customise your miniatures.

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.


Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata $105

The Thanatar Siege-automata is a mobile artillery platform rather than a general battle unit, with a heavy frame built to accommodate its huge weaponry and requisite power systems. The Thanatar-Cavas configuration is armed with a Hellex pattern plasma mortar, a terrifying weapon that launches spheres of plasma into the heart of enemy fortifications. The origins of the Thanatar-Cavas remain uncertain, save that its armament is known to be the product of the forge world of Ryza, the sole locale where Hellex pattern weaponry is produced.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Thanatar-Cavas Siege-automata, a hulking demolisher robot fielded by the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. The Thanatar’s primary weapon is a huge shoulder-mounted plasma mortar, which can be built with its firing aperture open or closed. Its arms are tipped with claw-like shock chargers, and its left arm also features a wrist-mounted twin mauler bolt cannon.

The kit features plenty of posing options to personalise your Thanatar-Cavas, including joints for the waist and shoulders, three right arm poses, two left arm poses with ammo feeds to match, and the ability to build the shock chargers in different grabbing positions.


This kit contains 175 plastic components and a Citadel 120mm Round Base. This set also includes 1x Mechancium Macro-constructs Transfer Sheet containing 394x high-quality waterslide transfers for you to use to customise your miniatures.

Tech-thralls Covenant $80

Tech-thralls are a source of expendable labour on many forge worlds, typically created from those poor souls who transgress against their Tech-Priest masters. In times of war, this same fate befalls many in order to quickly raise a form of disposable militia, known as the adsecularis. The organic human bodies of the tech-thralls, already altered to lift heavy loads and function in hostile environments, are fitted with basic weapons systems and bodily protection. On the battlefield they serve as expendable troops, unskilled but relentless and indefatigable – an army of the alive-yet-dead, puppeted by the magi who command them.

This multipart plastic kit builds 20 Adsecularis Tech-thralls, shambling cyborg militia fielded by the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. Each Tech-thrall is (literally) armed with a cybernetic las-lock, connected to its power pack by trailing cables, and you’ll also find optional bayonets to fit each las-lock’s barrel.

The kit provides 11 head designs and six styles of left arm, ranging from grasping hands to mechanical claws, which can be mix-and-matched across five different body designs to add variety to even the largest cybernetic covenant. To further customise your unit, four of these Tech-thralls may be built with either a mechanical or an organic right leg.

This kit contains 284 plastic components, and 20x Citadel 25mm Round Bases.


Castellax Battle-automata Maniple $80

The Castellax Battle-automata are general purpose combat robots, developed from older designs during the Great Crusade. Primarily intended for siege work and shock assaults, these terrifying, humanoid machines stand three times the height of a man, with notoriously aggressive and responsive machine spirits. The Castellax class is a mainstay of both the Legio Cybernetica and the elite defensive formations of many forge worlds, who rely on its formidable power, armoured endoskeleton, and atomantic shielding technology for their protection.

This multipart plastic kit builds two Castellax Battle-automata, core constructs of the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. Each Castellax Battle-automata can be equipped with a pair of claw-like shock charges, or one may be equipped with circular power blades, and each may equip a choice of in-built bolters or flamers for either weapon. The kit also contains a choice of shoulder-mounted weapon options – you’ll find two mauler bolt cannons, as well as a darkfire cannon and a multi-melta.

You can further customise your mechanical monsters with a choice of three different arm joints for each automaton, plus joints in their waist and shoulders, allowing you to create a variety of poses. Should you choose to arm your automata with shock chargers, you can choose to have their claws gripped shut, or open and ready to grab the enemy.

This kit contains 191 plastic components, and 2x Citadel 60mm Round Bases. This set also includes 1x Mechanicum Constructs Transfer Sheet containing 558x high-quality waterslide transfers for you to use to customise your miniatures.


Mechanicum Dice Set

The mysterious Mechanicum of the 31st Millennium marched to war armed with esoteric and arcane science, their hosts of battle-automata and cybernetic soldiers guided by the cold iron logic of their Tech-Priest overlords.

Guide your gleaming hosts to victory whilst showing your loyalty to the Omnissiah with this set of faction-themed dice.

20x red, black, and silver pearlescent swirl dice with white ink, measuring 16mm along each edge, including:
– 19x D6 with a Mechanicum icon on the ‘6’ face
– 1x Scatter Dice

Archmagos Prime $38

An Archmagos Prime is a commander of the Taghmata Omnissiah – a high adept of the Machine Cult, chosen from amongst their peers to lead in battle, armed and girded for war with the finest armaments and defences their arcane arts can provide. Each is as formidable in their own way as the superhuman Legiones Astartes, and their inhuman intelligence and power spawned of ancient science is not to be underestimated.


This multipart plastic kit builds an Archmagos Prime, an intimidating leader of the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. This mighty Tech-Priest is more machine than mortal flesh, their inhuman cybernetics shrouded in flowing ritual robes. They hoist a crackling corposant stave in one mechanical hand, while an ornate volkite serpenta and advanced conversion beamer protrude from their armoured exoskeleton, powered by the generator fitted to their back.

Thallax Cohort $80

The Thallax are hulking, heavily augmented cyborg shock troops originating within the Ordo Reductor faction of the Mechanicum. They are distinguished by the Lorica Thallax which encases their major organs, nervous system, and cerebrum, and entirely replaces the skeleton and limbs with armoured mechanical systems. Carried into battle by their Incunabulan jet packs, the Thallax operate with a surgical lack of emotion, leveraging their remaining capacity for independent thought to destroy the enemies of the Omnissiah.

This multipart plastic kit builds six Thallax, elite bionic destroyers created by the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. Each Thallax is armed with a powerful lightning gun, which can be outfitted with a chain bayonet. The kit includes optional melta bombs for every model, as well as an arsenal of special weapons to replace the lightning guns – you’ll find a pair of phased plasma-fusils, photon thrusters, and multi-meltas.

The kit includes five different designs of faceplate, as well as three poses for legs and arms, which you can mix-and-match to squeeze more variety out of your terrifying cohorts.

This kit contains 232 plastic components, and 6x Citadel 40mm Round Bases. This set also includes 1x Mechancium Constructs Transfer Sheet containing 558x high-quality waterslide transfers for you to use to customise your miniatures.

Warriors of Chaos Dice Set

The Warriors of Chaos are merciless killers who possess brute strength and skill in fearsome measure. Join them in seeking the favour of Dark Gods as you lay waste to the Old World with this themed dice set, including Artillery and Scatter Dice for your Hellcannon.

This set includes 20 Warriors of Chaos-themed dice. They are cast in pearlescent black, with gold ink markings. The six-sided dice boldly feature a Warriors of Chaos faction icon on the ‘6’ face of each dice.

Contains 20x 16mmx16mmx16mm dice:
– 18x Warriors of Chaos D6 dice
– 1x Artillery dice (labelled 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Misfire)
– 1x Scatter dice

Arcane Journal: Warriors of Chaos $27.50

Who can say when Chaos first cast its darkness upon the world? Only the most ancient scrolls of the High Elves, locked deep within the twisting and labyrinthine libraries of the Tower of Hoeth, dimly recall the coming of Chaos. But even these records are incomplete, for too much knowledge has been lost to long centuries of war and hardship.

This supplement embarks upon the Path to Glory, exploring the beliefs of the innumerable Marauder tribes and the mighty Warriors of Chaos that battle endlessly in the frozen north. Used in conjunction with Warhammer: The Old World – Ravening Hordes, this book arms you with more rules and content, allowing you to use your collection of Chaos-worshipping barbarians in new and exciting ways.

Inside this 48-page supplement, you will find:

The Chaos Wastes: An in-depth exploration of the accursed shadowland at the top of the world where the inhospitable wilderness meets the Realm of Chaos.

The Saga of the Chainmaker: The tale of Frydaal the Chainmaker’s conquest of the doomed town of Hollum and the creation of a Chaos wasteland within the borders of the Empire.

The Lost and The Damned: Background and rules for two infamous characters – Frydaal the Chainmaker and Galrauch, the Great Drake.

Armies of Infamy: Rules to field two unique Chaos Armies of Infamy – Wolves of the Sea and Heralds of Darkness.

This is an expansion to Warhammer: The Old World – you’ll need copies of the Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook and Warhammer: The Old World – Ravening Hordes books, both available separately, to use the contents of this book.

Sorcerer of Chaos $32

Chaos Sorcerers wield the wild energies of Chaos itself, reshaping reality to serve the whims of their dark masters. Where others glean their arcane skill through diligent study, a Chaos Sorcerer’s understanding of the Winds of Magic is instant and innate.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Sorcerer of Chaos for use in Warriors of Chaos armies in games of Warhammer: The Old World. Deploy this dark wizard to strike down your foes and alter reality itself through the raw power of Chaos magic.

This kit contains 6 plastic components, and 1x Citadel 30mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

Chaos Warriors $85

The Chaos Warriors who torment the Old World are no longer truly human. Rather, they are living weapons of the Ruinous Powers, honed to perfection upon the anvil of hardship and tempered in the fires of battle. They have no family other than the fellow warriors who trample the land at their side – butchers and maniacs all.

This multipart plastic kit builds 32 Chaos Warriors, heavily armoured elites sworn to the service of the Ruinous Powers in games of Warhammer: The Old World. Each Chaos Warrior can be armed with a one-handed weapon and a shield, or paired weapons. This kit also provides all the command upgrades you’ll need, whether you choose to field your Chaos Warriors in small groups or in a single mighty horde – you can build champions with a choice of impressive helmets and blades, hornblowing musicians, and standard bearers with a choice of different banners and icons.

The kit includes a variety of different weapon designs, shields marked with the eight pointed star, and intimidating helmeted heads, all of which are interchangeable – so you can give your hordes of Chaos a varied look, no matter how large they grow.

This kit contains 310 plastic components, and 35x Citadel 30mm Square Bases. This set also includes 1x Warriors of Chaos Transfer Sheet containing 621x high-quality waterslide transfers for you to further customise your forces.

Champion of Chaos $32

 Champions of Chaos are powerful warriors who have walked a long road of bloodshed and accursed ambition, combining the strength of a Troll with the speed of a striking snake. Each Champion’s abilities are enhanced further by gifts from the Dark Gods – to stand against one of their number is to invite a sudden and brutal death.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Champion of Chaos for use in Warriors of Chaos armies in games of Warhammer: The Old World. Armed with a pair of wicked blades, this Champion is ready to lead your army, and slay in the name of the Dark Gods.

This kit contains 8 plastic components, and 1x Citadel 30mm Square Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

Chaos Lord on Manticore $80

Manticores are huge, leonine beasts that soar through the skies of the Old World on leathery wings. They are amongst the most powerful of all the predators that inhabit the bleak mountain ranges of the frozen north, and they are often ridden into battle by the most powerful Chaos Lords, or bound to the will of mighty Sorcerer Lords.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Chaos Lord or Sorcerer Lord mounted on a Manticore, to lead Warriors of Chaos armies in games of Warhammer: The Old World. The Manticore is a ferocious mutant behemoth with a barbed tail, bat-like wings, and a terrifying leonine appearance. The Chaos Lord is clad in baroque plate armour, and can be armed with a sword or spiked flail, with a lance, shield, or a gauntlet-mounted blade in their off-hand. The Sorcerer Lord instead carries a sinister reaping staff, their heavy armour draped in a voluminous cloak.

This kit includes a selection of other options to personalise your monstrous warlord, including two different tails and two different manes for the Manticore, a choice of bare head or helmet for the Chaos Lord, and a choice of two faces to sit beneath the Sorcerer Lord’s mysterious hood.

This kit contains 62 plastic components, and a Citadel 60mm x 100mm Rectangular Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

Warriors of Chaos Battalion $178.50

The Warriors of Chaos are merciless killers possessing brute strength and skill in fearsome measure. These indomitable killers have been charged by their dark masters to lay waste to the Old World.

This boxed set gives you the solid core of a mighty Warriors of Chaos army. At its centre are the Chaos Knights – favoured champions of the Ruinous Powers, clad in dark iron armour and mounted atop maddened steeds. These mighty warriors are supported by Chaos Warriors – elite infantry armed with lethal weapons. Both the Chaos Warriors and Knights include a variety of weapon options, as well as additional components to mark members of their units out as champions, standard bearers, and musicians. These relentless killers are joined in battle by a pair of Chaos Chariots. Wrought of iron and drenched in blood, nothing short of a castle wall can halt their charge. You can alternatively build them as Gorebeast Chariots.

This boxed set contains 44 multipart plastic Citadel miniatures:
– 2x Chaos Chariots (which can alternatively be built as Gorebeast Chariots)
– 10x Chaos Knights
– 32x Chaos Warriors
– 1x New Warriors of Chaos transfer sheet

This set comprises 636 plastic components and is supplied with 2x Citadel 50mm x 100mm Rectangular Bases, 10x Citadel 30mm x 60mm Rectangular Bases, and 35x Citadel 30mm Square Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

There’s loads more miniatures up for sale that are online only and/or resin from Games Workshop so be sure to check them out for a full list!

Author: Adam Harrison
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