Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Crystal Blade

Games Workshop has a new Rumor Engine out and it’s got some super clean edges. It’s almost too clean. We’ve got a mystery to solve!
Welcome to another Tuesday and a brand new Rumor Engine from GW to dissect. I’m going to be up front with you this on this one: it’s a tough one. Even GW knows that one based on the text. But before we get too far into that, you should see it for yourself.
“Sometimes, the Rumour Engine puts out an image that has a little faction symbol here or a telltale accessory there – something to give us an idea what it’s showing us. Some days, we might even get a foot, or hand, or even a head – heavens forfend – so we can take an educated stab at who or what we’re looking at.
Today, friends, is not one of those days.”
Rumor Engine Crystal Blade
I’m going to go ahead and take a leap and say that this is indeed a blade. The thing about this particular one is that it’s got some super clean lines on it. And the painter did an excellent job blending the colors from dark to light — you can tell that from the gradient even in black and white!
That said, we’ve still got to make some guesses as to what or who this one belongs to. My first reaction is that this is a crystal of some type. And while this is a long shot, it reminds me of those green crystal weapons that GW uses for the Necrons.
Now, I’m not saying this IS a Necron’s blade. It’s just that the way the weapon is blended and highlighted reminds me of Necron weapons. The shape, however, is off. It’s almost too simple and clean.
The Vespids also use Neutron Crystals in their weapons. They are a recent addition thanks to Kill Team. Are we about to see even more types of Vespids? Maybe a close-combat version with crystal blades? This is another long shot as we’ve already gotten a T’au book this edition and I’m honestly not sure GW is planning on re-introducing the Vespids as a new unit for these models in 40k.
On the AoS side of things we’ve also got a wide open field to choose from. I’m confident in ruling out the Sons of Behemat. They don’t really strike me as a faction that would use blades — other than as toothpicks.
But other than that I’m not really sure who this weapon wouldn’t fit under. We really don’t have a lot to go on here and, again, pretty much all of the factions in AoS use blades in some manner. Plus we just got a new edition and all the factions are going to be on deck for new Battletomes and that typically means a new model or two…
This is where I’m going to kick it over to you! If you’ve got any theories on this one we’d love to see them in the comments! Let us know what you think this one could be and why. At this point, I’m actually not even sure if this is a blade!
Good job, GW. You got me on this one.