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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Mechanical Manipulator

3 Minute Read
Aug 13 2024

We’ve got another Rumor Engine that is going to keep you guessing. Games Workshop has done it again. What in the Warhammer is this?!

There’s a new mechanical doohickey courtesy of the Rumor Engine from Games Workshop to dissect. Why? Because it’s Tuesday and that’s how it works. However, this one is a little tricky. Take a look for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

“What could be more Warhammer than an articulated metal arm? In the grim darkness of the far future, two grasping limbs are simply not enough. “

Rumor Engine Mechanical Manipulator

So I don’t even know if this mechanical arm is for gripping or for something else entirely. Honestly, my first thought was some type of spot welder or laser cutter. What if it was some sort of medical device? Then I took a closer look at the right side of the image and we’ve got some spikes.

Naturally, when I see spikes from a Warhammer image, my mind goes straight to Chaos Space Marines. Now, I don’t know if this is truly the case as lots of factions do have spikes…and those two spikes aren’t even that large. But when it does come to spikes, we all know that the chaos is strong with this one.

Besides, why do you even need spikes on this mechanical arm? There’s very clearly some wiring/tubing that’s connected to the bottom of the manipulating arm and the column with the spikes on it. I hope you’re not swinging that arm around because then you’d puncture your own tube and that seems like bad design.


It would probably look like this.

This also looks a lot like a microphone stand with all the nobs and ways to extend the device on the end. Wait, yep…I figured it out. It’s for a Grimdark Podcaster! Boom, we can all call it and go home. “Mechanicum Radio — bringing you all the latest news and gossip from Terra to Void!”

Obviously, I think this is very likely from the 40k side of things. But feel free to let me know if you think it’s from the Mortal Realms of AoS in the comments. That said, this is another one of those “could be a lot of things from a lot of armies” situations. At least we can rule out Tyranids. And Craftworld Aeldari. And probably a few of the Daemon armies/followers. Oh and T’au — definately not a T’au device as it’s not “anime” enough. After that… I’m really not sure!


Seriously, take your pick…I’m drawing a blank here.

If you’ve got a theory of what it could be let us know in the comments. For now, I’m sticking with Grimdark Podcaster.


Mechanicum Radio!

Author: Adam Harrison
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