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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Staff or Stick

2 Minute Read
Aug 20 2024

We’ve got a new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop to puzzle over. Is this a staff, a fancy stick, or something else entirely?

Welcome to another Tuesday and a brand new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. Today’s image is clearly something more than meets the eye. I think it could be a few things but first you should see it for yourself!

via Warhammer Community

“Good sticks and staves are a dime a dozen in the worlds of Warhammer, but this one is really going for gold. It’s got a pointy end, it’s got knobbly bits, and it even has what looks like a button of some sorts? All signs of an overachiever in the field of staffs, I tell you.”

Rumor Engine Stick or Staff

Honestly, my first reaction was, “this isn’t a stick OR a staff — that looks like a warhead.”

It reminds me a lot of the Hunting Lances that the Rough Riders use. Now, I don’t think this is exactly the same thing. However, I wouldn’t be shocked if it was related.

I also think this one is firmly in the realm of Warhammer 40,000 and not Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. It’s a bit too technologically inclined; it’s giving me sci-fi vibes and not fantasy.


With all the armor plates and nobs and possible buttons this seems like it’s something that’s either Imperial or Imperial-adjacent. I could see this being from a faction like the Leagues of Votann for instance.  I think we can also rule out the Tyranids with this one. It’s not sleek enough for Aeldari. And it’s too well made to be Orky.

Could it be some sort of new Imperial Stun Baton? Perhaps!

This image is quite the curiosity for sure. But that’s where you come in. If you’ve got some ideas of what this one could be please share them with the rest of us in the comments. This one is a weird one and I think they end up being a lot of fun to puzzle out!



Imperial Tech? Likely. But what if it’s not…

Author: Adam Harrison
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