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Games Workshop Rumor Engines: Where Are They Now – August 2023 Edition

3 Minute Read
Aug 15 2024

It’s been a year since we last saw these Games Workshop Rumor Engines from August 2023. Let’s see how they turned out.

Last year August was pretty busy month for the Rumor Engines. We got five teasers! So let’s not waste any time and jump right in to finding out where they landed.

Get a Grip – August 1, 2023

Status: Solved

That hand belonged to the Krootox Rampagers! That was a surprise for sure as it didn’t seem like it would be the “hand” of a mounted unit.

On The Warpath – August 8, 2023


Status: Solved

The poor skeletons on that warpath belonged to the one and only Trugg The Troggth King! Now we have a pretty good idea how they ended up with a case of dead-itis.


Put Your Heads Together – August 15, 2023


Status: Solved

The court finds this miniature to be disgusting. At least we know that this mallet belongs to Justice Goremayne. Also, gross. But serious points for creative use of Intestines. But also SERIOUSLY gross, dude. I don’t want to imagine the smell when it’s fresh…or after like, a couple days. Ew…

The Horns Have It – August 22, 2023

Status: Solved


Those antlers belong to Trugg. Ole GW tried to trick us with the switch-a-roo in perspectives. But it’s pretty easy to tell once you spot it. Also that explains the slime. Or something…Is that slime? You know what, I don’t need to know.

On Ragged Wings – August 29, 2023

Status: Solved

When it comes to these tattered wings they are part of the Ossiarch Bonereapers warband included in Briar and Bone. The Teratic Cohort has some of the strangest constructs ever from the Ossiarch Bonereapers. Personally, I’m hoping we see some of these units shift back into the “main” army.


Well that’s all the teasers from last August’s Rumor Engines. Did they turn out how you expected? Let us know your favorite in the comments!


I really want those OBR miniatures to make the jump to the full army as entire units!

Author: Adam Harrison
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