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Goatboy’s Weirdhammer 40K: 5 Awesome Minis For Conversions

5 Minute Read
Aug 1 2024

Goatboy here with the top 5 40K minis to convert into something crazy.  Let your inner Mekboy shine!

These would be models that are driving a desire in my head to build out a complete army out of to generate some kind of mental theme.  If you haven’t figured it out yet this is most likely a desire to create some kind of Chaotic bit of energy to drive my hobby soul that is currently – a bit stuck.

I used to be known for making the Space Goats army.  It had me take a ton of Beastman heads, throw them onto Chaos/Marine bodies, and then build upon my brand as the Goatboy of 40K.  It was a lot of fun, I played a ton of 5th-6th edition with it, and kinda miss those days.  I don’t know what changes for myself, but at some point I lost some of my conversion edge.

I personally think it was when GW stopped letting me take 6+ Daemon Princes in an army – a little bit of my chaotic Goat-heart stopped.  A part of me died a bit then and saw a lot of my Daemon Princes leave my house, go out in the world, and become someone else’s problem.  Still that desire to convert up a whole new army is there and today I want to talk about the models that keep whispering to build something new.  A giant traditional part of Warhammer 40K hobby going back decades is conversions, so here’s some insprirations to let your inner Mekboy get down and dirty!

5. AoS Orks Brute Ragers/Weirdbrute Wreckkaz – “Orky World Eaters”

Man if I didn’t already have a World Eaters army I would have gone full bore into a Chaotic Ork army stuck on Khorne planet in the Eye of Terror.  These guys look so dope, would work well as Eightbound/Exalted Eightbound, and would give me the brutish look I would love to paint up.  You could add in some horns on the heads, add more chains, and just go to town. Ohh, if only I hadn’t already invested in so many Eightbound.  This kit just screams KHORNE at me and I keep saying no to even trying out a single unit because I know it would consume me.


4.AoS Slave to Darkness  Chaos Chosen – “Evil Custodes”

I keep wavering between doing the Muscle Mommies Custodes army, with a bunch of Sororitas heads, and a fully Chaotic version using AoS Chaos Chosen, gun bits, and a whole lot of black paint.  These models are pretty cool and they have a really neat weapon to that I can slap some guns to and create a WYSIWYG style version with proper Custodes loads outs, a middle finger to the Emperor, and a desire to make anything chaotic.

3. AoS Nighthaunt – Every Model They Got – “Haunted Necrons”

I keep thinking a cool Necron-themed Nighthaunt army could be neat.  Yes I have seen some people use parts of it in their armies but having a full force of these techno-ghosts just sounds cool.  I also know it would drive a competitive friend nuts to see it so there is a desire to be a troll to their conversion thoughts.  I just like how floaty they look and thought – adding some weird mechanical stuff would be pretty cool to look at.


2. Ork “Gorka-Knights” – “Chaos Knights or Imperial Knights”

For years, I’ve thoughts about smashing a bunch of Ork stuff, some Knight stuff, and creating this hodge-podge of Grots running giant monsters of death.  Or just going full on Mechanical Warbosses running amok amongst the tabletops.  It feels like such a cool army thought to create some Ravagers, Lancers, and whatever else to create a truly horrific assault monster bit of nonsense – all Orky-ed up.  I am hoping we see an updated Chaos Knight book at some point that finally drives me to do this as I complete my cycle from competitive player to hobby monster.

1. Ad-Mech & Genestealers – “Bio-Mech Tyranids”

This is always a back-burner idea as I don’t have a Tyranid army currently so it would piggy back off of something existing.  I remember seeing some back in the day and thought that would be pretty cool to try and build up some kind of Blanche-like bit of techno-gribblies nonsense.  You would have Ad-mech cables, lights, jammed into all kinds of tyranid monster bits to just go ham on an idea.  I think it ‘s a tough one to pull off, but the results could be phenomenal.  I wonder once I slow down with some commission work I go ahead and try something with a Genestealer or two and create that hybrid of steel, cables, and alien cunning.

Which one should I try first? Any of these inspire you?


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