Heroes of Might & Magic: Battles – New Tabletop Wargame Announced

Jervis Johnson and Andy Chambers are teaming up with Archon Studio to bring Heroes of Might & Magic: Battles to the tabletop!
Archon Studios is back with some exciting news. They have a new tabletop wargame coming out based on the video game series Heroes of Might & Magic. To help bring this one to the world they’ve enlisted the help of two industry veterans who you’ve probably heard of before: Jervis Johnson and Andy Chambers.
Heroes of Might & Magic: Battles is an all new tabletop wargame based on the beloved video game series of the same name. Take the action from the Desktop to the Tabletop with tactical, state-of-the-art, and fast-paced gameplay. Collect, paint, and compete in battles against your friends using stunningly detailed miniatures made with High Impact Polystyrene.
Heroes of Might and Magic: Battles has been lovingly designed by a crack team of industry veterans, namely Jervis Johnson (Warhammer 40k, Fantasy Battles, AoS) and Andy Chambers (Starship Troopers, Warhammer 40k, Fantasy Battles), as well as Archon Studio’s very own Jacek Karpowicz (Masters of The Universe: Battleground).
Miniatures – Heroes of Might & Magic: Battles
Heroes of Might & Magic: Battles
While we don’t have full details on the rules of play just yet, we do have a snipped from Jervis Johnson about the activation system in the game:
Johnson: “I especially like the unit activation rules, which allow elite units with high morale to steal the initiative and move before their opponents can react. It makes positioning units and timing when to attack really important, and creates an ‘interactive’ sequence of play rather than the more traditional I-Go-U-Go system used in many other games.”
It sounds interesting for sure. Personally, I’m curious to see how this initiative system will be tracked and how players will interact with it. Archon Studio also has this to say about the game in general:
“Our game designers promise an exciting new way to play, not just HoMM, but wargames in general; with a host of innovations, such as: Initiative based alternating activations, Tactical reinforcements & maneuvers, and concise, easy to use rules. “
We’re still somewhat in the dark with the core rules of the game. But we do have an idea about the miniatures. Archon Studio has produced a lot of board games with miniatures previously.
I really like the work they did on the Master of the Universe: Battleground miniatures. And from the image from the Heroes of Might & Magic: Battles game above you see the types of units to expect. Fans of the H:M&M series might recognize a few of the units as well.
This IP does have a rich history and if you’ve played any of the games then you know how many factions and units those game include. Here’s hoping we see lots more from this one!
We’ll be keeping an eye out for this one!