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Horus Heresy: Bring On The Martian Civil War

3 Minute Read
Aug 26 2024

The coolest part about the Martian Civil War is that we’re finally getting to explore what the heck happened with the Mechanicum in the Horus Heresy!

The second coolest part of the Martian Civil War is all the sweet new plastic kits we’re getting from Games Workshop. I didn’t think I’d be this glad to see the new campaign book for the Horus Heresy. But after seeing the entire wave of releases, I think it’s worth getting pumped about.

March of the Mechanicum

If you’re curious what’s going on with this campaign there’s quite a bit happening. WarCom has a longer breakdown which you can read here. While the events happening on Mars have been explored before they have never been covered in this much detail. The new Martian Civil War Horus Heresy book is going to be a lore-junkie’s dream.

The book itself is going to cover three main narratives. But there’s loads more in the book to chew on. It’s a rather epic tale of betrayal, battles, primarchs, and the Legio Cybernetica. But I think I’m most looking forward to seeing what folks are going to do with all the wonderful plastic kits coming!

If you’re like me, you probably have a soft spot for these giant robots. Personally, I love the retro-future vibes they Cybernetica have. It’s very much that 1950’s sci-fi look mixed in with some more modern influence.


The bigger the bots, the better! While I don’t have an Ad Mech army I could see myself starting a Mechanicum force just to have these Dreadnought-sized bots running around the field.

I also think the new Archmagos Prime looks wild. He’s got a bit more “Space Pope” Hat going on than some of the Ad Mech minis. He’s also looking a lot more machine than man now.

I think I might be in the minority here but I also think that having non-Space Marines is actually good for the longevity of The Horus Heresy as a game. While the Space Marines are and should always be the primary focus having some non-Marines to battle keeps things from getting too stale. And yes, I know there’s 18 Legions and each has their own rules. But at some point it’s really just 3+ Power Armor vs 3+ Power Armor. Having Mechanicum and Solar Auxilia in the rotation is a nice change of pace!


While the Mechanicum has been a playable army for a while now I really believe that having these kits come out in plastic is going to fantastic for The Horus Heresy. Between this new campaign book and all these kits there should be plenty of goodies to inspire folks who want to play The Horus Heresy with Mechanicum forces.


Which side with the cold machine logic dictate you join? The Traitor or Loyalists in the Martian Civil War?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K Next Week: The Martian Civil War Means Mechanicus Minis