How to Play House Cawdor in Necromunda Underhive

Today let’s take a look at some basics of how to play and get started with Necromunda House Cawdor, the filthy fanatics!
The Cawdor are one of the six Clan House gangs of Necromunda. On Necromunda the Cawdor are known for their rigid adherence to the Cult of the Redemption, though the connection to the Cult’s outlawed crusades is one their leaders are careful to minimize. House Cawdor has dedicated itself entirely to the Redemptionist cause and the Cult has attained the status of an official religion in Cawdor uniquely among the hive’s Houses, making Cawdor the stronghold of the Cult and effectively controlled by it. The unforgiving creed of the Cult demands a strict code of conduct; those who break the rules are driven away and become outlaws.
Below we offer some tips on how to play the gang and get started with them.
Who Are House Cawdor?
Originally, House Cawdor consisted of nothing more than criminals and beggars infesting the lowest spires of Necromunda. This changed at the end of M39 when the Redemption Cult was born on the blighted world. It is said that Encorderius Brayne was the founding father of the Redemption. This simple but pious factory worker despaired at the suffering of those around him and the greed of the noble houses, delivering fiery sermons against the ruling class. He also espoused that the workers had also lost their way from the light of the Emperor. His legend continues to state that one day he was saved from a deadly industrial accident by the Emperor’s light and when he emerged declared he had been chosen to lead the people of Necromunda to salvation. He overcame countless trials, leading his people down into the Underhive where the first Redemption Cults formed.
Whatever the truth, over the ensuing centuries Brayne’s cult slowly grew within the Underhive. Their wealth became built on the refuse of Necromunda and their bitter war against House Orlock over the differences between “mining” and “scavenging” exposed the clan’s weakness. The Noble Houses granted them few contracts while the Merchant Guild considered them beneath notice. In this atmosphere Redemption Cults were raised and destroyed, until M40 when Aornath VI, the First Noble at the time, used them to exert his control over the House.
Why Play Cawdor
The Cawdor are a filthy rabble, armed with archaic weapons made of trash and their faith. Your gang can also include (or be totally composed of) the much more refined and better-equipped Redemptionists. This means you really have two gangs in one. If you like playing with the unshakable faith of the Emperor, House Cawdor and the Redemptionists may be the gang for you.
Strengths of the Gang
- Good trash weapons
- Bodies (your dudes are cheap and you can have a lot of them)
- Faith!
Weakness of the Gang
- No high-quality weapons (outside Redemptionists).
- Just a bunch of dudes.
Cawdor Signature Rules
Every Clan House gang has something special that truly defines them. Cawdor use Articles of Faith, which are, essentially, minor miracles performed by the gang members. The more fighters you have on the board, the more Faith Points you can potentially generate. During gang creation you choose a Path of Faith for your gang, and this determines what Articles you may perform. There are some really fun ones such as: add 3D6″ to a jump, give your combat weapons Blaze, do damage on death, and tons of others. The House of Faith book contains the full rules.
Cawdor Gang Units To Know
There are lots of ways to build a gang and a variety of fighters you can use. Here are some suggestions to get you off on the right track.
Word-Keeper (Leader)
In Necromunda your gang will only ever have one leader, and the Wordkeeper leads the rabble of House Cawdor. Though they have middling stats and skills, you can still make a cool one with some solid combat weapons
Redemptionist Priest (Leader)
The only gang with two Leader types also presents the Redemptionist Priest. The Priest has excellent bespoke wargear and weapons, plus access to a unique skill tree.
Firebrand (Champion)
The basic Cawdor Champion with group activation and decent weapons. Firebrands are one of the better platforms in the gang for actual decent ranged shooting, such as that sweet crossbow.
The basic Cawdor ganger. Everything you can say about Cawdor is exemplified by Brethren. Even toting a template firing blunderbuss, they are still dirt cheap.
Stig Shambler
The Stig is a great model and truly exemplifies the Cawdor. The Stig can have the best guns in the gang and also packs a wallop in combat.
Ridge Walkers
When House Cawdor has to make their way out onto the Wastes, they often do so atop the clanky, bipedal Ridge Walkers. With good speed and explosive-tipped lances, Ridge Walkers are great for harassing convoys- or as the vanguard of one!
Sheen Birds and Bomb Rats
Cawdor have the help of all the little creatures- from birds to rats and, well, that’s pretty much it. While Sheen Birds fly near their masters to harry and harass their enemies, Bomb Delivery Rats have their fuses set and run somewhere to make trouble.
All hail the House of Faith