How to Play House Van Saar in Necromunda

Today let’s take a look at some basics of how to play and get started with Necromunda House Van Saar, the irradiated irregulars.
The Van Saar are one of the six Clan House gangs of Necromunda. The Van Saars are well-known for the superiority of their arms and equipment because their technology is more cutting-edge than the other Houses. This means the Noble Houses of the hive pay handsomely for Van Saar-made goods. As a result, the House is undoubtedly the wealthiest in Hive Primus. Their staggering power, however, is built around a dark secret – flaws in their understanding the corrupted STC that creates their technology. Flaws that bathe them in radiation and slowly kill them from within.
Below we offer some tips on how to play the gang and get started with them.
Who Are House Van Saar?
The Van Saars have a well-earned reputation of being serious minded and sombre people, with a deeply deep-seated emphasis placed on order and hierarchy. Like the other gangs of Hive City the Van Saars have a style of clothing which distinguishes them from others. In their case this equates to a close-fitting body suit intended to defend and sustain the wearer in the harsh hive environment. Semi-permeable membranes in the suit reduce the loss of the body’s dampness whilst numerous spots on the material change colour to inform the wearer of airborne pollutants and reduced levels of oxygen.
The House of Artifice is not only known for its wargear and weapons however, but also for its many alliances with the Merchant Guild, Clan Houses, and Great Houses of Necromunda. The seal of Van Saar on any piece of wargear on Necromunda lets one know of its quality. However their power and prestige has led many to see the House as arrogant and overly secretive. Besides armaments and technology, House Van Saar also oversees a lucrative energy production industry. They have a number of allies, most notably House Catallus and the Pyromantic Cults. The House jealously guards the secret of its hidden STC.
Why Play House Van Saar
The Van Saar are the shooting connoisseur’s gang of choice. They have across the board high BS (seriously! An Aiming Tek is hitting on a 2+!), and a great equipment list. If you like playing the ranged game, House Van Saar may be the gang for you.
Strengths of the Gang
- Impressive ballistic skill
- Great unique units
- Primary Shooting skills
Weakness of the Gang
- Pays a premium for good equipment.
- Impressively bad physical stats.
Van Saar Signature Rules
Every Clan House gang has something special that truly defines them. Van Saar have Cyberteknika, which is, essentially, robot cyborg parts. These are added by the player both when a model is recruited, or after they are injured (mitigating the injury and getting the cyborg bonus effect). These implants range from cybernetic legs or eyes to artificial brains and hearts. Every piece is available for purchase at three distinct levels, representing their sophistication and cost. The House of Artifice book contains the full rules.
House Van Saar Gang Units To Know
There are lots of ways to build a gang and a variety of fighters you can use. Here are some suggestions to get you off on the right track.
Prime (Leader)
In Necromunda your gang will only ever have one leader, and the Prime is a superb one for the Van Saar. With access to great guns, high BS, and primary shooting skills, there are many fun ways to build out a Prime.
The basic Van Saar champion, with group activation, good stats, and good weapon options. They also have superb 2+ BS and access to primary shooting skills.
The less traditional of the Van Saar champions, the Archeotek specializes in the aforementioned Cyberteknika. This means the Archeoteks not only start with one free Cyberteknika, but they also pay half for all purchases of it. Add in some esoteric weapon options (like the Spider Rig!) and you have a very fun model.
The basic Van Saar ganger. Everything you can say about Van Saars is exemplified by the Tek.
Ash Wastes Arachni-rig
The appropriately named Arachni-rig is an excellent platform for House Van Saar- with up to four guns ( while still packing two claws!) and the ability to fire all of them, this Servo Suit is really an unparalleled gun platform. This arachni-rig has also been outfitted with jet packs allowing it to jet around the Ash Wastes.
The Neoteks, equipped with Grav-Cutters are perfectly at home in the Hive and out on the Wastes. In whatever environment they find themselves, their speed is a great asset for your gang.
Tek Hunters
Tek Hunters are compromised of a range of Specialists, with skills honed to the perils of Hive Secundus. Have the right one in your gang at the right moment and opponent beware.
All hail the House of Artifice, House Van Saar!