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If You’re Way Too Excited For a New ‘Alien’ Movie, These Games & Accessories are For You!

3 Minute Read
Aug 9 2024

If you can’t wait to see more face huggers and chestbursters this month, these will help you pass some time in a very creepy way.

I may be too excited for a new Alien movie. Will it be good? Who knows. But it doesn’t matter, because I’ve been asking family group chat who wants to go with me and if we’ll be going to the food-serving theater to see it. Unsurprisingly, my dad—who had me watch Alien when I was way way to young—is in. But we’ve got a little bit until then, so let’s have some Alien themed game nights in the meantime.

1. Alien RPG

I love this game, and GM’d a session for a family tabletop game night. My mom still hasn’t stopped talking about her character being thrown out of an airlock, but sometimes these things happen! This is one of those bleak tabletop RPGs where the game is designed to obliterate your characters and fear is a stat weaponized against you. A good GM could make one of these sessions a truly scary experience in a very fun way. Also, if you’re into the Alien series, the art in this book is beautifully moody and creepy.

2. Fate of the Nostromo

Moving from tabletop RPGs to board games, this is another game meant to merge tension and fun. Players pick different Nostromo crew members to play as and work together as they move around the ship and work together to collect supplies, evade the alien, and generally not die. Just ignore the survival rate of most of the crew, I’m sure you and your friends will be totally fine.

3. Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps

Another cooperative board game with a focus on survival. Only in this game instead of playing as a handful of mostly-normal people, you’re playing as a team of specialists and Marines. Does firepower, training, and organization make it easier to survive a xenomorph attack? I guess we’ll see. This game also has a ton of expansions, so if you enjoy playing, there’s a lot more out there.

4. This Game is Killer

This isn’t technically Alien related. But c’mon. We recognize a legally distinct Xenomorph when we see one. Unlike the other two, this game is only semi cooperative… Which is to say that you may want to defeat the alien, but taking out a few of your teammates at the same time isn’t necessarily out of the question. Whoops! This is also a party game that you’ll want to jump back into right away. Because people love being both cooperative with their friends and also very, very not.

5. A is for Alien

What’s better for passing some time than some light reading? Okay, maybe this isn’t what you’ll be reading for fun. But it’s pretty darn funny if you’re a very specific collector or known somebody with some pretty weird kids.

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