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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Apocalypse & His Servants Rules Preview

5 Minute Read
Aug 13 2024

Apocalypse is coming to Marvel: Crisis Protocol with a new Affiliation, Ultimate Encounter, and a host of new goodies.

With the impending arrival of Apocalypse Marvel: Crisis Protocol is going to have a new threat to deal with. Now, we’ve already seen a lot of info about the first mutant from the Ministravaganza. But now we’ve got a look at his full rules as well as his new Affiliation: The Servants of the Apocalypse. Plus we also get a taste of the Ultimate Encounter, too. So let’s dig in to the Apocalypse!

via Atomic Mass Games

“Armed with technology that allows him to regenerate between ages and fueled by his belief that only the strong survive, Apocalypse awakens from his rejuvenation chamber between ages to search the world for more power. During one awakening, he found it in the form of a Celestial ship. He used that technology to augment his innate mutant power of manipulating his body at an atomic level. He uses this Celestial technology to transform mutants from the ages he awakens into his loyal lieutenants, the Horsemen of Apocalypse. Apocalypse and his horsemen aim to cull the weak of the world, brutally imposing their philosophy of survival.”

Apocalypse Rules

In his standard form he’s already a complete monster. Clocking in at 6 Threat with 7/8 stamina and a defensive stat line of 4/4/4 he’s on the upper echelon of tough characters. He’s also size 4. With that larger base size and a medium move he’s going to be able to get around faster than you might expect.

Normally, I’d dissect each of his abilities but, since we’ve seen them before, I just want to call out a few things specifically. Looking at this injured side note his Immunity (Special Conditions). So if you were planning on Incinerating and Shocking him down to “mere mortal” stats …yeah, that’s not happening.

Furthermore, you actually DON’T want to attempt to inflict Special Conditions on him due to his superpower Only The Strong Remain. His injured side is actually even more powerful because of this ability as it allows him to heal or gain power any time a Special Condition would be applied to him. He’s going to be worth every point of that 6 Threat!


The Horsemen of the Apocalypse

We actually got to see all of the Team Tactic Cards from Apocalypse already. Needless to say, they not only amplify the character that has the card applied to them, they also allow Apocalypse to tap into their powers. Managing the Evolution Tokens is going to be a key factor for success with this faction. It might take a few games to master. However, Apocalypse and his Horsemen are going to bring the pain once you do. And speaking of Horsemen, we finally get a list!

While there are certainly some names on here I was expecting there’s also a few I was not. Honey Badger for instance is actually a great addition. Why? Because she’s Threat 2. And you’re going to need some cheap characters in this Affilation!


“Building a Servants of the Apocalypse–focused roster and making squads with it has an additional level of complexity that rewards deep familiarity with the affiliation. In addition to considering everything else that goes into squad building, an Apocalypse player needs to consider which Horsemen Cards they want for that game and which characters should be assigned those cards. Getting the most out of Servants of the Apocalypse will take some practice and thought.”

Just looking at the cards and the list I’ve got some options rolling in my head. Spinning more accurately. There’s a lot of thought that you could put into this Affiliation and it’s by far one of the most complex to assemble. That’s not a bad thing mind you. But, again, it’s going to take some time to really sort out. I’m looking forward to trying!

Ultimate Encounter Teasers

We got a bit of info about this during the Ministravaganza stream. But now we’ve got some more solid details to sort through.

“In that Ultimate Encounter, the crisis teams try to sabotage Apocalypse’s Rejuvenation Chamber before he can awaken to his full power. Apocalypse’s Horsemen, meanwhile, try to defend the Celestial technology and force Apocalypse’s evolution to progress faster. When Apocalypse awakens, he uses 1 or 4 different cards based on how strong he was allowed to become. Unlike the standard game, the affiliation restriction is removed from who can be Horsemen in the encounter, giving more freedom to create the Horsemen a player imagines. “


Considering you can have any characters as Horsemen of the Apocalypse this Ultimate Encounter really blows the doors off things. And yes, I am totally going to run Hulk as one of his Horsemen. If you want to really up the theme you can add in the other terrain packs to fully immerse into the Ultimate Encounter.

I am SUPER pumped about this entire set. Apocalypse has always been a favorite villain of mine and finally getting him in MCP is just a treat. I know he’s going to smash the heck out of my Crisis Teams but I’m looking forward to the challenge of both fighting him and also learning his new Affiliation. Someone queue the music. It’s time to stop Apocalypse.


We’re going to need to pull out all the stops to halt Apocalypse!

Author: Adam Harrison
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